Statistics. This study was conducted to determine whether more than half of FSD students want to use Open Library or not. If the result supports this claim, buying this software may be considered. To perform the survey, from the population of all FSD stu
HANOI UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT AND TOURISM STATISTICS PROJECT THE OPINION OF FSD STUDENTS TOWARDS BUYING OPEN LIBRARY SOFTWARE Tutor's name: Lê Thi Ngoc Tú Tutorial class: T3_AC08 Tutorial time: 7:15-9:00 on Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract iii . Introduction 1 2. Methodology 1 2.1. Population and sample 1 2.2. Questionnaire design 1 2.3. Sample size 2 2.4. Sampling method and collection data 2 2.5. Data processing 3 2.6. Significant level of test 3 3. Results and Findings 4 4. Hypothesis Testing 7 4.1. Research question 7 4.2. Assumptions 7 4.3. Hypothesis testing procedure 7 5. Project Evaluation 8 5.1. Limitations 8 5.2. Implications 9 6. Conclusion and Recommendations 9 References 10 Appendix I: List of random respondents 11 Appendix II: Sample Questionnaire 15 Appendix III: Survey Results 16 Appendix IV: List of figures 17 ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine whether more than half of FSD students want to use Open Library or not. If the result supports this claim, buying this software may be considered. To perform the survey, from the population of all FSD students, a sample of 100 FSD students was chosen randomly to answer the questionnaire including 4 multiple choices. The data collected are used to perform the one sample z-test for a proportion
EVS-Lab quadrant study
EVS LAB-3 Vegetation Study By Arjun Sharma 2-A Aim: To investigate & compare the vegetation levels of Different sites. Focused Aim: The aim of the investigation was to study and identify the relationship between the changes in vegetation at different areas by the help of quadrants and transects. Variables- Independent Variable- Number of quadrants and transects to be applied to the vegetation study and Number of sites Dependent Variable- Vegetation Levels of different sites, Types of plants found at various areas. Controlled Variable- Properties of plants, Amount of sunlight the plants receive and Type of plants. Apparatus- * Quadrat * Transects * Scale * Measuring tape (up to 25m long.) * Ziploc bag(For sample collection) Hypothesis- * Relation between vegetation structure and environment will be affected by the size of the quadrat and the length of the transect applied to the vegetation study.[Independent & Dependant Variable] * Smaller quadrat size implemented will affect the vegetation level of the site.[Independent & Dependant variable] * Environmental conditions such as soil, sunlight will affect the composition of the vegetation.[Controlled & Dependant Variable] * The amount of sampling and sites to investigate the vegetation level effects the relation linking with vegetation and environment.[Independent & Dependant Variable] * Properties of
To check how the rate of transpiration is affected by a change in the PH of the soil/water.
Aim To check how the rate of transpiration is affected by a change in the PH of the soil/water. Apparatus 1.) Hydrilla plant 2.) Test tubes 3.) Paraffin wax 4.) Beaker 5.) NaOH pellets 6.) HCl 7.) PH Paper 8.) Distilled water 9.) Stirrer 10.) Scissors Procedure .) Prepare NaOH solution. Put a few pellets of NaOH in a beaker containing distilled water and stir until the pellets dissolve. This is the dil.NaOH which has a PH of 14. This is checked using the PH paper. 2.) Prepare dil. HCl. Take a beaker containing distilled water and pour 1-2 drops of HCl into it and stir. This gives dil.HCl which when checked with the PH paper gives PH value 1. 3.) Take 5 test tubes labeled a, b, c, d and e. a. This is the control. Take 10ml of distilled water. Pour a drop of paraffin wax into the test tube as this will prevent the water from evaporating in the sunlight. b. Pour 10ml of the dil.NaOH into this test tube followed by a drop of paraffin wax. c. Pour 10ml of the dil.HCl into this test tube followed by a drop of paraffin. d. Take 10ml of tap water and pour into this test tube. The PH of the tap water is taken to be 5.5 as seen using the PH paper. e. Take 10ml of distilled water and pour into this test tube. It has a PH of 7 and is a neutral solution. Now we have 4 test tubes containing different PHs, rating all the way from 1(acidic) to 14(alkaline). 4.) Take
Environmental Impacts of Bowling in the past and in the future. Originally, bowling balls were made out of lignum vitae, a wood so dense that it would sink in water.
Environmental Impacts of Bowling in the past and in the future The history of bowling is quite long, it is not even certain when or where it started. However looking back in history shows evidence of how the sport has significantly changed over the years. As a result, as the years pass by, changes that may improve bowling also have a huge impact on the environment. Changes can be small things, such as different types of coatings, or bigger things such as different type of balls. Even the smallest change however can have a huge impact on the environment, and as a result it is important to know how bowling affected the environment in the past, and where is it going in the future. Originally, bowling balls were made out of lignum vitae, a wood so dense that it would sink in water. This type of wood comes from a very slow growing tree, which at one point was the most traded hardwood in the world. Although it wasn't entirely because of the bowling industry, the lignum vitae is now an endanger species due to its slow sustainable rate and because many industries, such as bowling, were constantly increasing the demand for this wood. After seeing that the demand for hard wood was driving the lignum vitae to extinction, the bowling industry started making balls out of rubber. Once rubber began to diffuse throughout society, it decrease the amount of harmful impact to the
Environmental sciences Lab-2(Stream Pollution)
Evs lab-2 Stream Study Aim: To test a river at different locations to assess pollution levels. Focused aim: To investigate pollution level of the river using bio indicators in the form of insects & dissolved oxygen. Variables: Control variable: Number of sites Dependant variable: Amount of insects, Level of pollution Independent variable: Temperature, pH level, dissolved oxygen & turbidity of the stream Apparatus: > Dissolved oxygen meter > Digital thermometer > Plastic Bowl > Small Plastic cups > Net > Plastic box > pH paper Hypothesis: > Each site will have different Stream Pollution Index > Each site will have different dissolved oxygen levels > Temperature & pH levels for each site will remain constant Risk assessment: > Since we were studying the pollution levels of the stream & using insects as an indicator, there was an added risk that Insects might have been harmful to the human body. Hence contact with insects is not recommended. > Since current levels are high, any footwear in the stream such as flip-flops is not recommended. > Stones are wet & slippery, therefore rubber boots are recommended. Method: o First each site was marked in order to start the experiment. o Stream was divided into 5 sites in order to analyse the stream pollution index of the stream carefully & accurately. o For each site(1-5), Insects were searched & caught by a
Group 4 Paper 2008
Production and Properties of Paper Papyrus, more commonly known as paper, is used commonly for various purposes. The deceivingly simple object that we come into contact with nearly every day in fact goes through a complex process to become the writing paper that we are so familiar with. Common belief holds that paper always comes from trees, but many non-woody plants are also used. Besides writing paper, we also use paper in the form of containerboards, cotton fiber, tissue, newspaper, and money. The process through which various types of paper are created involves many biological, as well as chemical and physical, aspects. It also has many biological properties that result from its makeup and creation process. The most important ingredient in the creation of paper is cellulose, which is found in plants. Wood from trees is made up of cellulose fibers, which are connected by a natural adhesive substance called lignin. Cellulose is a polysaccharide fiber, with glucose units connected by beta linkages, that usually forms the framework of most cell walls in plants. It is the most abundant organic compound on the planet. Lignin is a complex polymer that is mostly responsible for rigidity and strength in the structure of plants. In order to extract the cellulose, the wood goes through a process called pulping, which can be done either mechanically or chemically. Chemically, the
Producing an advisory leaflet - I have chosen the transitional period of moving from primary to secondary education for two reasons the first reason is that I am facing this stage in my eldest childs life at the moment,
Contents Page Page 2 Introduction Page 3 Introduction to booklet Page 4 Why I have included the sections I have Page 5 Theory Page 6 Why I did not include certain areas Page 7 & 8 Parents feedback Page 9 Critical evaluation Page 10 Conclusion Page 11 References Appendixes Appendix 1 Booklet Appendix 2 Transition sheet Appendix 3 Blank Questionnaire Appendix 4 Completed questionnaire Appendix 5 Results Introduction This is my report on the production of my transitional booklet and feedback that I received from 6 of the 12 parents I piloted it with. Introduction to booklet I have chosen the transitional period of moving from primary to secondary education for two reasons the first reason is that I am facing this stage in my eldest child's life at the moment, the second reason being is that although secondary schools provide prospectuses they do not offer information on preparing your child for this move neither do the primary schools. I have included a copy of my booklet in appendix 1. Why I have included the sections I have I have chosen things that are important to me as a parent and have also spoken to my son about things that he is worried about. I also spoke to his head and class teacher to see if they could think of things that I could include. After the class session on transition we formed a list of things that we all thought important to mention
diet in sports
BIOLOGY GROUP 4 PROJECT REPORT GROUP 3 GROUP MEMBERS * Nick Kariuki * Peris Mukoko * Eric Mugendi (group leader) * Christine Jobita * Omar Chaudry * Susan Kariuki INTRODUCTION Diet refers to the amount and type of food we eat. In sports, the type of food a player eats determines his performance as well as his general well being. Therefore, the player has to include several key components into his diet, among them carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water. Each of these components has its own important function, and together they form a balanced diet. Components of a balanced diet * Carbohydrates: Provide energy * Proteins: Used for growth and repair of body tissues * Lipids: Used to provide energy, thermal insulation, source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K * Vitamins: Needed in small amounts for good health, therefore have to be in the diet * Minerals: Occur in form of ions, needed to maintain osmotic balance in cells, some have specific functions e.g. iron is used to transport oxygen, it forms the haem group in haemoglobin * Water: Needed for temperature regulation, maintenance of osmotic pressure and transportation of substances in the body. * Fibre: Comprised mostly of cellulose from plant cell walls. It stimulates movement of food through the gut, thereby aiding digestion Did you know? * Carbohydrates and lipids provide about 70-75%
GROUP 4 PRESENTATION TITLE: HEAT TRANSFER IN SPORTS AIM: DETERMINING THE HEAT GIVEN OUT TO THE SURROUNDING WHILE PLAYING SQUASH AND TABLE TENNIS To obtain a value for energy change in indoor sports using temperature change within an enclosed area of play. The sports investigated here are squash and table tennis. The exact values for energy change would be calculated using density of air to obtain mass, specific heat capacity of air and temperature using the formulae energy = mass of air × specific heat capacity of air ×temperature change. The energy values would then be compared and appropriate conclusions could be drawn with the data obtained. The sports would be compared based on the amount of energy lost to the surrounding air in form of heat, and whichever sport produced more energy and why. HYPOTHESIS Heat transfer is the process by which heat is given off from a body to the surrounding. When playing a sport, heat is normally generated as a biological mechanism to keep the body cool. Therefore in this experiment we sought to determine if this heat given off could be measured in an enclosed environment in order to determine the effectiveness of the structure in relation to the sport. We took two sports that can be played in an enclosed surrounding: squash and table-tennis. APPARATUS . Meter rule 2. Maximum and minimum thermometer 3. 3 Clinical thermometers 4.
Non-Renewable and Renewable Solutions to Australias Future Electrical Energy Needs
Energy Use In Australia Non-Renewable and Renewable Solutions to Australia’s Future Electrical Energy Needs Graph 1: Predicted population growth of Australia by the year 2050 (Larsen, 2010) With Australia’s population to likely double in size by 2050 and lifestyles to become further dependent on affordable energy, our electrical energy needs will no doubt increase. As current non-renewable sources diminish, we will have to turn to other sources-both renewable and non-renewable- if we are to secure Australia’s electrical energy future. This will require us to reduce our green house emissions and develop scientific solutions to solve this energy puzzle. Energy Use In Australia As Australia’s population continues to rapidly increase and will most probably be around 42 million by the year 2050, the future of our accessibility to current electrical energy sources will be threatened. In the future, the demand for electrical energy is undoubtedly going to increase with the International Energy Agency predicting that global energy demand will grow by around 40% by 2035 (Australian Government, 2012). However, non-renewable resources for electrical energy will slowly diminish, affecting all aspects of our daily lives and many of our day-to-day activities. Electricity is fundamentally important to how Australians live today. Electricity runs almost every appliance in homes