The Second World War was brought about by the foreign policy of Hitler and Nazi Germany. Do you agree with this statement?

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“The Second World War was brought about by the foreign policy of Hitler and Nazi Germany.” Do you agree with this statement?

Many key issues, several occurring simultaneously during the 1930s, caused the Second World War. Many changes occurred in countries over the world, from the end of the First World War in 1918 and onwards the rise of Hitler with the new regime of Nazi in Germany, during economic crisis in 1928. The period of warlike tensions existed between 1929 until 1939 when Second World War finally broke out, when Britain and France declared a World War against Germany after Germany’s invasion of Poland occurred on the 1st of September 1939.

It is mostly argued that the Second World War broke out as a result of Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy however others argue that this was also resulted by Western forces’ policy of Appeasement at the same time. Furthermore, the Second World War was produced by combinations of others as well; Italy’s Mussolini and USSR’s Stalin had also helped to afflict the warlike tension in Europe; the failure of Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations had failed to maintain peace and to avoid a war at the first time. These features were all linked together and led to each other.

The failure of international organizations and treaties were consequential to the breakout of the WW2. Although of some period of peace were present since the end of the previous war, the initiatives to achieve permanent peace had ruined. Disarmament, which was both a term of Treaty of Versailles and a role League of Nations was aimed to achieve, was deliberately neglected by its own members and failed to protect the nations from the rising tension of war. In particular, the nations started to rearm despite of the League’ desperate efforts for the world rearmament. The plans for rearmament were only applied to the loser of the war, Germany, never for the victors of the war; this proved that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair and harsh, and the resentful Germans would some day challenge these peace agreements for revenge, with military aggression if necessary.

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As a result the failure for attempts of disarmament raised pressure in the continent, since remaining nations started to carry out rearmament themselves, for the preparation a possible war. It also exposed senses of weakness in the League of Nations, by not standing up to Japan and Italy’s crisis in Manchuria and Abyssinia; Japan, Italy and Germany went on the offensive dictatorship in the 1930s, and challenged the peace by seizing land from other countries; this showed that countries could simply get away with aggression.

The Great Depression in the 1930s from the USA greatly accelerated international tensions, ...

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