Analyse the impact of Puritan beliefs on the social and political structure of Massachusetts.

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Gabrielle Kloppers- Year 10 American History- We the People

Analyse the impact of Puritan beliefs on the social and political structure of Massachusetts.

The social and political structures of Massachusetts were defined by Puritan beliefs and customs. The colony of Massachusetts was set up by the Puritans as a ‘plantation of the religious’ in 1630. Therefore, Puritanism was integral in the very fibre of the colony.

The Puritans came to New England, specifically Massachusetts, in order to create a place where they could live out their beliefs. They believed that each person should form their own path to God, which was part of the reason why they were looked down upon in England. In the words of John Winthrop, an early and influential governor of Massachusetts, they wanted to ‘establish in New England a pure church that would offer a model for the Churches in England.’ This infiltrated much of the government of the day. This resulted in a colony where church and state were not much segregated, and the Puritans organised their government not only according to the teachings they found in the Bible, but also on the basis of their own experiences while persecuted in England. The Massachusetts Puritans believed that ;the eyes of all people are [were] upon us [them]’. The Puritans did not only want to shape the Church of England to their ideal, but also society.

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This influenced the social structure of Massachusetts in a profound way. Life was centred around the village church. In Massachusetts church meeting houses were prevalent, and these were situated in the centre of the town, within walking distance of most houses. From this we can see the importance church had in the social arrangement of Massachusetts towns. Furthermore, those who lived in these towns believed they were to be ‘Godly’. They attempted to get away from what they termed ‘Popish superstitions and worldliness’, and this influenced the way most people in Massachusetts lived. There was an enormous emphasis on Bible ...

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