-The tactics worked, as the people would go screaming at the slightest touch of the gas
-Humans and animals both succumbed to the deadly rain
-Tens of thousands of civilians died due to the gas attacks
-Nobody but Haile and his "brave companions" were brave enough to bring the "undeniable proof" to the civilized world (Europe?)
-The League of nations did not listen to Haile's delegates, and therefore he had to go himself
-Haile has tried for 20 years to bring civilization to his country and to have good relations with "adjacent powers"
-Had a "Treaty of Friendship" with Italy in 1928, which stated that forcing arms, substituting for force and pressure the conciliation and arbitration on which civilized nations have based International order were strictly prohibited
Country more United
-On October 5th, 1935 the Committee of Thirteen recognized Haile's efforts for his country
-The governments of the League decided that it would be in the best interest to give entry to Ethiopia as it would "give the country a new guarantee for the maintenance of her territorial integrity and independence"
-They saw that from 1923 onward, Haile did not bring more disorder and insecurity but rather he brought a central power that is better obeyed and a more united country
-Claims he could have still done better had it not been for the Italian forces, and the rebels being stirred by the Italians
-Italy was not sincere when they signed the Friendship Treaty
-According to Haile, the Italian government had been planning the conquest for the past 14 years, which would mean that it was deceiving the world when they:
Supported the admission of Ethiopia into the League
Concluded the Treaty of Friendship in 1928
Signed the Pact of Paris outlawing war
-Throughout each of the treaties, Italy had been "deceiving the world" while Ethiopia was given additional guarantees of security
Wal-Wal Pretext
-Appealed to the League of nations during the Wal-Wal incident in December of 1934
-Haile urged the procedure for conciliation and arbitration
-A "certain Government" at the time decided that they would rather not interfere, as to not disturb the peace in Europe
-Due to this, the independence of Ethiopia was lost
-The consequences of being taken over, were quite clear to the world and to Ethiopia at the time
-The violation of the first Covenant (treaty?) was not the last
-Since nothing was done to stop the Rome Government, they were encouraged to further their plans
-They made war plans thinking that the pressure of the Ethiopian government would not overcome that of the Italian
-Time had come to break up the procedure of conciliation and arbitration
-Obstacles were placed in the way of the Ethiopian government:
Hard to find arbitrators
Pressure was given to arbitrators to favour the Italians
-The arbitrators were forced to recognize that the Wal-Wal incident was not an international responsibility
Peace Efforts
-After this, the Ethiopian government thought that a time to become friendly with the Roman Government had come
-Haile himself offered his hand to the Roman Government
-The details of events from December 1934-October 3, 1935 were given to the Assembly by the Committee of Thirteen on October 5, 1935
-In the time between these two dates, the Italian Government was against the idea of the Ethiopian appeal
-Also, during that time, Italian soldiers were being dispatched into East Africa
-Italy defended this action by saying that they had to defend their colonies
-The Ethiopian Government looked to settle everything peacefully, whereas the Italian Government believed that the procedures of the Italo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1928
-The Ethiopian Government agreed to be as helpful as possible
-The Wal-Wal incident was settled by arbiration, and after this, the Italian Government submitted a memorandum to the council in support of its claim to liberty of action
Covenant Violated
-Italian Government had violated the Covenant, and it was said to be in a state of aggression
-Even though Haile did not want to wage war, he said he would struggle for the independence and integrity of his people
-He also stated that he was the defender fo teh cause
-In the October of 1935, 52 nations of the League, reassured Haile that Italy would not triumph
-Reminds the nations of the policy and the faith Haile put into them
-Even the inferiority of his weapons, the lack of aircrafts, munitions and hospital servies, he had blind confidence in the League
-Haile was quite surprised that 52 nations were not able to oppose one
-Because of his faith in the League, he had no preparation for war
-Becoming aware of the situation, Haile tried to acquire armaments
-He was prevented whereas the Italian Government was able to do so through the Suez Canal, without cessation and without protest, troops, arms and munitions
Forced to Mobilize
-October 3, 1935 Italian troops invade Etihiopia
-To prevent war, he withdrew his troops 30km
-The war was quite unequal, as Ethiopia had little inhabitants, no arms or resources
-Haile asks if the nations of the League considered the aggressor as having committed an act of war personally directed against the countries itself
-Council made it clear that millions of people around the world were against the dismembering of Ethiopia
What of Promises?
-Blames the League of not fulfilling their promises that were made in the October of 1935
-Ethiopian Government never expected troops from foreign countries, but they expected some help to defend themselves
-Also asked for financial assistance for the purchase of arms
-The only transport for Ethiopian forces and arms, is now being used by the Italians
-Since Italy has already gained a large portion of Ethiopian territory, no economic or financial measures are to be carried out against Italy
League Threatened
-In a word, it is international morality that is at stake. Have the signatures appended to a Treaty value only in so far as the signatory Powers have a personal, direct and immediate interest involved?
-At a time when my people are threatened with extermination, when the support of the League may ward off the final blow, may I be allowed to speak with complete frankness, without reticence, in all directness such as is demanded by the rule of equality as between all States Members of the League?
-Apart from the Kingdom of the Lord there is not on this earth any nation that is superior to any other. Should it happen that a strong Government finds it may with impunity destroy a weak people, then the hour strikes for that weak people to appeal to the League of Nations to give its judgment in all freedom. God and history will remember your judgment.
Assistance Refused
-Nothing was done to stop the aggressor
-It was not hard, but the League simply refused
-No initiatives were being taken to raise the sanctions against Italy
-Says that the assembly has taken away the last chance for Ethiopia
-Is it the Covenant that needs reform? What undertakings can have any value if the will to keep them is lacking? It is international morality which is at stake and not the Articles of the Covenant. On behalf of the Ethiopian people, a member of the League of Nations, I request the Assembly to take all measures proper to ensure respect for the Covenant. I renew my protest against the violations of treaties of which the Ethiopian people has been the victim. I declare in the face of the whole world that the Emperor, the Government and the people of Ethiopia will not bow before force; that they maintain their claims that they will use all means in their power to ensure the triumph of right and the respect of the Covenant.
-I ask the fifty-two nations, who have given the Ethiopian people a promise to help them in their resistance to the aggressor, what are they willing to do for Ethiopia? And the great Powers who have promised the guarantee of collective security to small States on whom weighs the threat that they may one day suffer the fate of Ethiopia, I ask what measures do you intend to take?
-Representatives of the World I have come to Geneva to discharge in your midst the most painful of the duties of the head of a State. What reply shall I have to take back to my people?"