Appeal to the League of Nations

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Appeal to the League of Nations

Haile Selassie

June 1936

-Haile Selassie was the Emperor of Ethiopia at the time that Italy had invaded Ethiopia

-The article is an appeal by Haile to the League of Nations asking why they are not helping, and asking them to start helping

-He states that the attack is a violation of international treaties that were made by the countries of the League

-No reason to be made victims of such an injustice

-Haile looks down upon the use of poison gas gas as the means to attack the people of his nation

-Haile himself faught in the Ethiopian army, and he went to the Geneve conference to defend the people of his country against the atrocities of the Italians

-He is a great believer in God, as he states that he prays to God to get them out of the situation

-Blames the Governments at Geneva for eh deaths of the millions of people in his country

-States that it is not only the government that Italy has waged war against, but instead against the people of the country to instill terror and to exterminate them

-Italian army "hurled" tear gas, and barrels of liquid to no avail. The Ethiopian soldiers just waited for the air to clear and the liquid only affected a few of the soldiers. The barrels were actually an advantage to the Ethiopian troops as when they saw them, they tried to avoid the liquid

-Italian generals feared a rout, and therefore went to other means to attack the country

-Numerous aircrafts following each other made a continuous sheet of the "deadly rain" (mustard gas), that was vaporized over vast areas of the countries territory

-From the end of January, 1936 the mustard gas was killing, soldiers, women, children, cattle, rivers, lakes and pastures

-They did this to kill of all living creatures and to poison the water that the people were going to drink

Ravage and Terror

-Carried out barbarianism in the most densely populated areas of the country

-The main point was to get the idea of fear and death across to the people

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-The tactics worked, as the people would go screaming at the slightest touch of the gas

-Humans and animals both succumbed to the deadly rain

-Tens of thousands of civilians died due to the gas attacks

-Nobody but Haile and his "brave companions" were brave enough to bring the "undeniable proof" to the civilized world (Europe?)

-The League of nations did not listen to Haile's delegates, and therefore he had to go himself

-Haile has tried for 20 years to bring civilization to his country and to have good relations with "adjacent powers"

-Had a "Treaty of Friendship" with Italy ...

This is a preview of the whole essay