Essay plan-Origins of the Cold War. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the relationship between wartime allies deteriorate between 1945 and 1949?

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Essay Plan, Origins of the Cold War. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the relationship between wartime allies deteriorate between 1945 and 1949?

Thesis: By 1945 when the common enemy of the Big Three, Nazi Germany, had been defeated tensions began to rise between the wartime allies caused by wartime conferences, western policies and eastern actions.

Paragraph 1: Tensions were to develop between The Big Three when they lost their common enemy, as there already existed underlying causes of disagreement.

  • Russian expansionism under Tsarist regime – trans-Siberian railroad. Ideological differences – Communism against Capitalism, along with the great purges evidence of Stalin’s unstoppable power (in 1933 400,00 members of the communist party were expelled under Stalin’s orders).
  • D-day (second front) occurred only until 1943, when Stalin requested it in 1941 (Russia had lost almost 5 million people).
  • American armed intervention in Russia during the Russian Civil War in 1917 made Russian rage Americans.
  • Interpretations: Alexander Nekrich questions Stalin’s leadership, thus blames on him the late creation of the second front.
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Paragraph 2: Wartime conferences at Yalta and Potsdam contributed to deteriorate diplomatic relations between the Big Three.

  • During Potsdam, 1945, the agreements and relations built in Yalta were badly affected by the fact Roosevelt died and was replaced by Trueman, and Churchill lost elections and was replaced by Attlee.
  • Attlee focused on domestic police, thus was vaguely interested in Potsdam and rarely attended. This meant that, in contrast with Yalta, there was no British conciliator between the USA and the USSR. Trueman was less sympathetic with communism and adopted strict and harsh measures with Stalin.
  • Promises broken ...

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