Evaluate how successful Mao Zedong and the CCP were in instituting socialist ideals in the people from 1912-1937

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Evaluate how successful Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party were in instituting socialist ideals in the people from 1912-1937?

Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were relatively successful at implementing socialist ideas into the people of China. Established in 1921, the CCP started out as a small, unnoticeable political party to one that emerged rapidly as the other preferred form of government system that appealed to the population with their attractive ideas. Unlike the nationalist party, Mao and his party were able to dig into the hearts and the minds of the Chinese population, which was essential for the communist party if they were to succeed by gaining support from the peasant population.  

After the Fourth of May Movement in China during 1919, Marxist ideas began to attract the Chinese people because it challenged the traditional Confucius ideas that has been engraved into the minds of people since centuries ago. The eventual founder of the CCP, Chen Duxiu promoted the ideas of reform and reinforcing the Chinese society. The Chinese held patriotic feelings for the event because they were discontented at the decisions made during the Versailles Peace Conference; the Shandong province was not returned to China after being occupied by Germany during the Great War, instead, it went to Japan. This brought about nationalistic feelings amongst the people which lead them to resort to ambitious ideas that would liberate them from being oppressed by foreign powers. Since China’s society was disintegrating, many would have accepted proposals to improve people’s lives, as it was highly unjustified because the rich owned most of the property and the poor were suffering from starvation.

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Even though the Chinese Communist Party started out being a minute party, it managed to increase in numbers rapidly within a couple of years. Mao reached out to the peasants living in the rural areas because he believed that the support of the large peasant population would be the key to success. The communists promised the redistribution of land so that everyone would be given a piece of land. The peasants were attracted to this because almost all the land in China belonged to the aristocrats and they believed that they would gain land from them. Industrial workers were ...

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