French Revolution: Success or Failure?

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness” (Charles Dickens). In 1789, the French Revolution broke out between the nobles and the citizens of France resulting in 16,594 people died under the guillotine due to the political, economical, and social clash between two sides. Since it was the most influential Revolution that spreads swiftly through the European countries, many historians have different points, sources and opinions about the French Revolution. It usually divided into two themes; several historians like to argue that French Revolution was the turning point of the French history while other historians portray the French Revolution as the Bloody Revolution. Nevertheless, clearly, it is impossible to judge the French Revolution was efficient or inefficient because it is actually both. French Revolution gave great benefits as well as played a significant role to eliminate aristocracy yet it produced too much blood shed and left ineradicable scar on French people’s heart.

The numerous circumstances and factors accumulated to intensify the heat of the French and brought them out on roads to fight for their inalienable rights. Ancien Regime, a system that existed before the French Revolution of 1789, played a vital role to provoke the ‘enlightened’ French citizens. Under this regime, the King of France had right and power to control everything and everyone was a subject of the King as well as a member of an estate. Additionally, this unfair system gave privilege only to clergy and noble such as immunity from taxation. The most important fact is that these people only possessed two- percent in France. In other words, about 98 percent of France citizens had to pay the heavy taxes for preserving their life. Besides Ancien Regime, there are many historical factors and events that actually made the French Revolution as an inevitable revolution such as insatiableness of King, American Revolution, and financial crisis in France. Therefore, the French citizens rise up with arms and prepared to stand against with their government in order to protect their rights and democracy.  

French Revolution started the fire with the fall of the Bastille which is one of the positive historical events that happened during the Revolution. The Bastille was the political prison in Paris and the place that symbolizes the repression of freedom. In 1789, the citizens who were provoked by the French government and their King suddenly attack the Bastille in order to take back the equality and liberty, “This oppression and lack of representation in their government caused the masses of French citizens to make armed revolution against King Louis XVI” (Faithorn 192). Through this event, French people saw the power of democracy and took one step forward to liberty. Additionally, the prisoners who were rescued by French people during the storm of Bastille actually helped the France during the foreign wars such as war with Austria and Prussia, “When prisoners were released from the walls of the Bastille, some of them were actually joined the army for benefit of France” (Bryan 31). Without doubt, the Bastille is one of the factors that make the French Revolution as a Glorious Revolution. In fact, French people commemorate the day when the French people grasp the Bastille as the national holiday of France. France people celebrate this holiday to symbolize not only the uprising of the modern nation but also the downfall of monarchy.

France is one of the countries that have strong nationality in Europe and this nationalism is actually reinforced through the French Revolution. La Marseillaise, the national anthem of France, is a song composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle. Although, this anthem didn’t play a vital role during the beginning of the Revolution, it actually used as a ‘pump – song’ during the war between Prussia and Austria. Interestingly, the composer of the national anthem has great relationship with the Bastille. The anthem is written in 1792 which is the few years after the fall of the Bastille. Claude Joseph started to write this national song after he observed the French citizen’s audacity and braveness in the Bastille and got the ideas from the French flag which was fluttered on the top of the Bastille. Even now this anthem is using by French people and is the first song that they sing on the Bastille Day. Therefore, there is no doubt that French Revolution spreads nationality and can be depict as the Revolution that has positive points.  

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The French citizens required and wanted the strong government that has power to control the French society. The Representative Government which was stronger government then previous government, monarchy, gave social equality to French people. Since this government has a system that emphasizes the democracy, it played a vital role to ‘represent’ the will of the people in some way – by translating popular sentiment or public interest into policy (Bryan 2) liberty, freedom, and brotherhood. Unlike the previous government, it was more efficient and had accurate system because it had many different sub-officers who made great success to make ...

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