Khrushchevs foreign policy was only a continuation of what had gone before. Explain

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Khrushchev’s foreign policy was only a continuation of what had

 gone before. Explain

Khrushchev came to power in 1956 after his Secret Speech during the 20th Party Congress. In this speech, he attacked Stalins rule and blamed him for everything bad and unsuccessful, mostly for the purges. It was risky but he left out of blame all other members of government, by which he gained support. At this point, he showed that his policy will be different. When Khrushchev was in U.S.A he offered “capitalist countries peaceful competition”. He wanted to make de-Stalinisation. Regarding to foreign policy, it is not quite true.

        Although Stalin wanted first socialism in one country and just focus on Russia, to make Russia strong, safe and self-sufficient, he had to make some foreign policy, to ally with other countries. His aim was to peacefully cooperate with other capitalist’s state. We can see that in his alliance with Britain or United States. He did this because he was surrounded by all the capitalists’ states or they were the superpowers and did not want to have any problems with them, as there were not enough communists states to overtake them or the power. Khrushchev continued in what Stalin started in foreign affairs. He continued to keep the coexistence, while travelling to other countries like India, Britain or U.S.A , but did a bit more.

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        After WWII, Germany was divided between the Allies and Russia. Russia had the Eastern Germany under control. It was a problem, as United Stated controlled the West Berlin. They had different policies, economy and culture as they were capitalists. Lot of people, mainly workers ran away from East Berlin to West side, because of the communism. Here we can see he is cooperating with capitalists, which he should not be doing just like Stalin did. Stalin cooperated with Britain and U.S.A before the WWII to gain some allies to protect Russia, and was also working with non-marxists states. They were ...

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