List the benefits that the First World War brought to the US economy

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Joana Chagas 10SJB

List the benefits that the First World War brought to the US economy:

During the economic boom in the 1920’s in the USA, there were many skypscrapers built. Production levels rose, as well as there were new roads built, which in turn created more employment. The stocking industry increased in its production and there were many new aircraft companies, which constrasted with the fact that there were almost no civilian airlines in 1918. Furthermore, urban homes now had access to electricity, although some farms still lacked it.

One of the great advantages the the USA already had was that it was rich in natural resources, which is why it did not need to import a lot of materials. So, US exports increased.

In relation to where the USA stood in terms of the rest of the world, the American industry was the lead industry of the world. Its steel, coal and textile industries were growing quickly and it was the leading oil producer, as well as leading in delevoping new technology. Furthermore, its pharamacology department as well as its film industry were also the most advanced. American products were being sold all over the world. However, farmers were overproducing, which would later on turn into a serious issue.

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The First World War brought a lot of business to the USA since they sold a lot of food and weapons, which went towards war efforts in other countries such as the UK and France. So, US profit rose because of this. Due to war and Germany’s submarine warfare, the Allies supplies from its colonies was reduced. The US replaced this gap in trade. Because of the devastation in Germany, the USA took the lead in terms of chemical developments. The explosive industry, as well as the plastic industry improved. This was the time of the USA’s second industrial revolution, which ...

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