The first years of the Peoples Republic of China under the CCP rule 1949-1958

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Topic: The first years of the People’s Republic of China under the CCP rule 1949-1958 I agree with this statement to a certain extent, I believe the changes the CCP initiated in the years 1949-1958, prior to the commencement of the Great Leap Forward, were in fact, beneficial to China as a whole nation, but however, were not of benefit to the peasant’s life specifically.  This stance can be supported through the success of the Five Year Plan, the contradictions of Land Reform, and the primary stages of the Great Leap Forward.         In 1950, Mao was planning a campaign designed specifically for the peasants; Land reform.  Land Reform had great potential for the peasants. It advertised the annihilation of the cruel landlord class, and an overall better life.  With Land Reform, landlords were “reduced to below average wealth” (Wood and McManus, 1998) as they lost their land, money, grain, tools and animals. Because of the newfound equality (landlords had less, rich peasants remained rich) between all peasants, one could say the peasants were generally happy with the CCP. On the contrary, in 1955, Mao aimed at progressively moving private property ownership into fully socialist farms. First, mutual-aid teams were created, consisting of 7-10 families sharing their resources to work on each family’s farm separately. Then, lower-stage cooperatives were formed from about 30-40 families, collectively
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farming the individually owned land. The ‘truly socialist’ system was achieved in higher-stage cooperatives contained of over 100 families. These soon progressed into People’s Communes. Initially the peasants were satisfied with the Land Reform law, however, it is evident that in ten years, the peasants were given land, told to share land, and lost the land.        In terms of China as a nation, the number of statistics that demonstrate economical, industrial, and agricultural growth number many. This is due in part to the Five Year Plan (FYP). For example, Source 3 is a graph of the grain production in China ...

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