Why Germany Unified under Prussia and not Austria. Outline

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Why did Germany unify under Prussia and not Austria?

1) Economically powerful

2) Militarily advanced,

3) Politically Progressive/ Competent Political leadership

Economic Policies: Powerhouse: 

Prussia debt 11%, Austria debt 26%

-From putting down revolutions in 1830 and 1848 in Italian States and being defeated in Austro- Italian war, Austria had large military debts.

  1. Zollverein 1818 : customs union
  • Ended internal tariffs, encouraged development and communication between the States; used a unified weights and measure system
  • Economic leader of the German Confederation; other states looked to Prussia economically
  • Austria didn’t remove internal tariffs until 1829; was excluded from Zollverein
  • Prussia had a strong economic base which gave to the opportunity to expand military

2) Population Increase

  • 87% of population increase, 2x Austria
  • Economically larger, larger work force—more workers for factories

3) Industrialization

  • Prussia had a booming steel production
  • Krupp Factory
  • Coal and Iron= Steel Production
  • Prussia had a booming economy and had the materials to create weaponry for war.
  • Austria= Agrarian, cotton production

Analysis: Other German states looked to Prussia as the economic leader, Prussia’s ability to expand militarily (large economic base) and industrial base helped defeat Austria in 1866. Also, Prussia began unifying the states through its economic policies.

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Political: Progressive / Strong Leadership

1) Progressive Government

  • Prussia had a constitutional monarch, Constitution of 1850
  • Gave a constitution with universal suffrage after the Revolution of 1838 Berlin

Constitution of 1850= progressive/ constitutional monarchy

  • 2 house legislature-
  • House of Lords—junkers
  • Lower house—universal male suffrage based on taxes paid

2) Reaction to Napoleon: Changes in Prussia 1806-1813

  • Scharmhorst and Gnesusenau recognize army to allow non-nobles (similar to careers open to talent)
  • Landwehr created citizens army
  • Von Humbold creates an anticlerical education system (Lycees)
  • Prussia adopted many ideas from ...

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