The First World War, also called the Great War, took place throughout Europe, involving major nations such as Germany, France, Britain, Russia and the United States of America. From 1914 to 1918, World War One was a war in which all nations resources, economics, humans and ideology were mobilized in the war effort in order to win. This made World War One in many ways, a total war.

        All of the nation’s economic resources were mobilized in an effort in order to win. The First World War’s cost in fighting totaled over $337 billion and by 1918, it cost $10 million per day. Nations raised part of the money to pay for the war through income taxes and other taxes. Unfortunately, most of the money came from borrowing, which created even larger debts. The government borrowed money from citizens by selling war bonds and they even went as far as printing extra money to need their needs during the war. [1]

Several countries used all of their resources for the war, and many suffered because of it. In Germany, the pain of daily hunger and the humiliation of standing in food lines, foraging, and participating in the black market struck the entire population. [2] Evelyn, Princess Blücher wrote this account of hunger on the German Front saying, “We are all growing thinner every day, and the rounded contours of the German nation have become a legend of the past.” [3] In Germany the production of various resources were cut short due to the lack of farmers. The call for millions of able-bodied men into the military drained farm labor and caused diminished production. [4] All of Germany’s economy was focused on the war.

        Not only Germany was experiencing suffering from their nation’s resources and economics being fully mobilized in World War One. Britain, depending greatly on trading, took a huge hit economically because of Germany. A national crisis rapidly developed as the grains and meats upon which the country depended came under enemy attack. The Germans started to sink one out of every four merchant ships sailing from a British port, and Britain’s wheat reserved fell far below normal. [5] What resources Britain had went toward the war in effort to win the battle.

        In Russia, “As the war went on, the example of tsarist Russia made governments alert to the dangers of a hungry population: Women protesting food shortages in the capital city of Petrograd had set off the chain of violence that toppled the monarchy.” [6] This major power was hit hard during the war and the lack of resources and economics were causing an uproar because they had all been mobilized to war efforts rather then on the home front.

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        During World War One, “Despite France’s rich agricultural resources, the country found itself facing an increasing food deficit. One out of every four of Frances’s 5.2 million farmers and farm workers was mobilized in 1914. The military requisitioned many of the horses that provided motive power on French farms, and jammed railroads were unable to deliver the usual supply of fertilizer. A shortage of gasoline made it difficult to operate tractors, and a shortage of coal hindered the operation of grain threshers.  Additional pressure on the food supply came from the country’s huge army. French soldiers at the front required ...

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