A Pastiche of Virginia Woolf's Writing

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  1. A sentence of short clauses separated by semi-colons [;], representing dialogue
  2. One main clause [sentence] interrupted in the middle by a long relative clause beginning with ‘who’
  3. Two shifts in the point of view
  4. One line of dialogue rendered as direct speech [enclosed by quotation marks]
  5. One passage of vivid sensory impressions 

I don't even need to open my eyes, he thought. I can get to the toilet door without looking. He stumbled into the small room that opened off his bedroom, and in the relative darkness of the bathroom without the door open or lights on, he awoke for real by getting a glimpse of the small amount of light. Yes, I'm ready, he thought. He opened his eyes fully to the dim light inside the room. It wasn't so bad, he thought. Until he flicked the switch lying an arm's distance to his left. Light flooded the little room and his retinas, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, bringing warmth and light to everyone from the richest man who must constantly worry   about his company, the economy, a myriad of different potential issues; to the poorest wretch living on the street who has to think about nothing but enduring his constant hardship from morning to night, barely surviving from day to day; yet both take a little time out from their respective struggles in order to respect the happiness the sun brings them, the beauty of the sky with the sun visible, and for a moment they have something in common before their thoughts begin to wander and suddenly they find themselves back in their own worlds, be it the economy or finding food. [He picked up his toothbrush, put toothpaste on and started to brush his teeth.]

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She was awake before her alarm rang out, but she waited for it anyway so she could stop it as soon as it started, she just loved to watch the time count down to the alarm like a condemned man watching the clock as it counts down the last minutes of his life, and when the time was up she was on hand to stop the beeping sound of the alarm while it was still trying to make its impact. She got up, putting one leg over the side of the bed before the other, and walked over towards the bathroom. ...

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