Firas Momani                4/14/2009

Passage 9


The following prose contains some sort of a mysterious meaning, disguised by the author through use of diction. The passage basically talks about the arrival of a man to his lover after the great tragedy of World War One. We are introduced to a high variety of dramatic changes in emotions and states through which we are able to at least come up with a vague description of what the meaning of the passage might be about. In this essay I shall discuss and analyze the passage in a fit way in order to break down its meaning and the main points the author is trying to make clear.

        The setting of the passage seems to take place in the lovers’ house or living area since the words “hall”, “cabinet”, and “house” tends to relate to that resemblance. Also we tend to get the feel of a violent confusing atmosphere where the man “charged upon her” and “charging down the steps having slammed the hall door”. This puts the reader in a questioning position making him curious to find out what is going on, and why does the man suddenly have this behavior.

        The characters in the passage only consist of the man and woman. We notice that the physical features of the man gives the readers the impression that he is old aged, “his grey hair- or the grey patches of his hair”. We also notice that he tends to have more of a violent character, and this is realized throughout the work by the use of phrases like “fiercely” and “violently”. Yet the woman is more described as a passionate innocent person, by the phrase she keeps on repeating over and over again- “My beloved is mine and I am his”- which emphasizes on this fact. It also shows that she is doing her best to convince herself that their love is true.

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        The actions occurring in the passage aren’t really vivid to the reader. Other than the fact the woman is faced with the two choices of either marriage or perseverance on accomplishing and staying in her career. Also we can say that there is only one idea available in this passage and that is the power of love and how it can affect a person’s life and choices. Other than that, we can’t say much due to the focusing of the author more on style rather than actions and ideas.

        The author of this passage concentrated mostly on the ...

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