English Commentary - Sandpiper

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Sandpiper Commentary

The title of Elizabeth Bishop’s poem, Sandpiper, has a very straightforward meaning. It is basically the name of a bird, of which this poem is about, which is just walking along the beach. It is a suitable title as shows specifically what the poem is about, a simple bird.

The poem is structured into 5 stanzas of the same length each, which is a similar structure to many poems. The first 3 stanzas focus primarily on the bird and its perspective. Then the writer changes perspective to observing the bird. Throughout the poem, the writer describes in connotations using language which describe negative emotions for the bird and the surroundings. The bird is always running around, frantically and hopelessly looking for something. The way the writer describes the vast sea elevates on the negative tone. The writer uses many literary effects as well to emphasise the power of the sea and the tone.

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The writer describes the sea and its waves as something of massive proportions that simply cannot be overlooked. The sea is ‘roaring’ with many waves hitting the beach “every so often”. These many adjectives help the reader to feel the power of the sea. In many cases the writer uses enjambment at the third line of the first stanza as the Sandpiper “runs to the south, finical, awkward in a state of controlled panic…” The writer uses an oxymoron when describing the bird’s state, which is of controlled panic. The speed of the stanza is very fast as the writer ...

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