I had heard those line a million times. Being a teenage girl living in California and following the Islamic dress code isnt easy.

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The journey of Discovery

Ruwaida bana

“No! I don’t want to go!’ I screamed at the top of my lungs.

 “Yasmine, you are coming. I am not leaving you behind, so you can stay here alone, and on top of all that wear these filthy, provocative clothes which I have had enough of,” Mama yelled back.

“Ma, you don’t know anything about fashion”,

“Wearing leather shorts that stick to your body and cropped tops that show half of your stomach will not take you to paradise.

I had heard those line a million times. Being a teenage girl living in California and following the ‘Islamic dress code’ isn’t easy. A place where shorts, tees and bikinis are the norm.

 ‘Muslim women are meant to conserve their bodies. It’s precious like gold. That is why they cover it. Living in California I do not expect you to wear the Burqa, but please wear clothes that do not reveal any part of your body, and please cover your head- scarves are made for your head, not neck!’ She continued to ramble on and on. “I had tuned out at the mention of the ‘Burqa’ and began to wonder how those women could cover up all day”!

 “Remember the pictures from the photo- album? You used to wear no scarf short skirts, and your cleavage was all bare”, said I.

“We made a mistake! No one was there to tell us what was right and wrong. We were illiterate and did not know anything about religion. Honey it’s your choice – choose your path”, she replied.  

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Despite the arguments and fits of tears I had no choice but to follow my mother back to my ‘real home’, although my mom said I had a choice, I didn’t”,

The scorching heat and lack of air had me gasping for air, as soon as we stepped out of the airport.

 “I am dying! I am dying! How do people cover up in this heat?’ I said sweating profusely. I wondered why people would wear such thing in such a hot place. The only visible part were their dark eyes. The place is too religious, and if females don’t ...

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