Informal Writing: Imaginative or Creative Assignment
Informal Writing: Imaginative or Creative Assignment
Statement of Intent
The purpose of this diary is to examine the character Blanche in the novel A
Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Blanche is the main character in the
story, in which all the characters in the novel revolve around her. She explains her
relationship with Stella and her abhorrence towards Stanley. She tries to keep her
illusionary world safe from danger, since it is the only source left for her to feel secure
and avoid from the harsh reality that she faced other than Stella. This diary is written with
lots of description to show her illusions, as Blanche becomes further and further into her
own world and eventually mixes up between reality and illusion.
The diary begins with her first encounter with Stanley, in which Blanche is still
conscious about her thoughts. She would express her views towards other characters and
eventually end with the horrific rape with Stanley, when she has a breakdown and
eventually loses everything, when all her possessions have been taken away.
Dear Diary,
Finally! I have reached New Orleans! I haven't seen my baby Stella for so long!
Oh...Stella for Star! What a journey! Bath and rest is absolutely necessary to refresh
myself after such an arduous journey. However, my entrance to the house was not great;
small, uncomfortable; what a horrible place! Stella didn't even greet me! Nevertheless, I
met her husband Stanley. It started off well, but as we got personal, I felt the sickness
going through my head - that unbearable truth with the boy, the boy that I loved!
However, I discovered that Stanley's real personality is beginning to open. His
jealousy and his cruel behaviour make me detest him. He even touched my precious
This is a preview of the whole essay
myself after such an arduous journey. However, my entrance to the house was not great;
small, uncomfortable; what a horrible place! Stella didn't even greet me! Nevertheless, I
met her husband Stanley. It started off well, but as we got personal, I felt the sickness
going through my head - that unbearable truth with the boy, the boy that I loved!
However, I discovered that Stanley's real personality is beginning to open. His
jealousy and his cruel behaviour make me detest him. He even touched my precious
letters! No filthy hands should touch these letters! However, he looks at the papers from
the loss of Belle Reve, for all I care. Yet, he does not know about my affair with Allen.
During the poker night, Stanley was so animalistic and out-of-control. He was so
mad at me that he threw out the radio! What a disgrace! Mitch and I were dancing, but he
wants to be the centre of attention, dominating over everyone! Such men are unforgivable,
since they show no sincerity, with their ludicrous acts, trying to look superior and
overpowering. He even hit my baby Stella! How dare he? How rude could he ever be?
Stella and I decided to leave him for the night while he calms down and we
returned back downstairs the next day. I notified Stella and tell her that maybe Stanley
was not such a good choice as a husband and that we should leave! However, she refused,
since she was fine about the poker night; all the abuse that she endured! I made up this
character called Shep Huntleigh to help convince her to take us both away, yet she still
declined the offer. I had no choice and had to name Stanley's bad qualities, but Stella
goes to Stanley when he came back home. Sigh...quelle dommage!
As time goes by, I lied about Shep Huntleigh and continued this trend with Stella,
but Stanley asked a question that shocked me! How did he know something about me
when I was in Laurel? I was sweating with fear, hoping that no one know about it, and so
I asked my baby Stella if she heard any gossip about me. Fortunately, there was none
that she knew of.
During that evening, a young man came to my doorsteps! How thrilled was I! Oh
là là was heaven! I had to seduce him, since he resembled that pretty boy, oh yes, that
pretty boy that I always remember. I couldn't resist it, I had no way but to kiss him...just
once! Mitch then came over right after the beautiful young boy left with roses!
Ahhh...what a surprise...
That night, we had a WONDERFUL time! It was only Mitch and I, when we had
a conversation with each other. I did not feel that comfortable, though it was a fine "date"
that we had. I was very happy, but I had to tell him my relationship with Stanley, his
cruel behaviour towards me, but he stated that everything would be fine. He then asked
me a personal question, the question with Allan! The boy was dead! However, Mitch
asked if we were meant to be the perfect couple. Ahh-my only chance for a marriage! I
was obviously too content to reply!
Wow...Stanley and Stella pulled off a birthday party for me! I was doing my
usual routine; refreshing myself in the bath tub. As I enjoyed myself inside, I heard some
yelling between Stanley and Stella. I was extremely curious, since I thought that Stanley
was talking behind my back. Nevertheless, I was overjoyed! What more could I ask for? I
walked out, and there I saw a weird expression on Stella's face. I asked her what the
matter is, but she refuses to reply. There was something wrong between them, I thought.
I must find out.
I realized that Mitch was not here, and this made me more suspicious. I made a
joke, but Stanley gets mad and throws everything around! How impolite to ruin one's
birthday? However, he did give me a present though! I was stunned, since I did not
expect a present from him...ESPECIALLY HIM! As I opened it, I realized that it was a
ticket to Laurel, a place where I would never want to return to.
Stella, during this period, had to go to the hospital because of her condition. Her
baby was nearly born. Stanley had to take her to the hospital, and thus leaving me behind
here. Mitch did come, only to bring more burden unto me. He realized my He
wanted to end this relationship...and this brought me to tears. How could this happen?
How could such a perfect chance be ruined? I was going into a nervous
was so hard to endure...
Stanley did arrive home, but I was distressed. His presence makes me extremely
scared. Thus, I had to run away from him. His destruction caused me a lot of grief and
pain, but I could not escape. Stanley took over my body and started me! I
was now destructed by Stanley, unable to do anything. Thus, my life has now ended,
unable to turn back.