Italian Summary on Basics. Saluti e espressioni di cortesia - Greetings and courteous expressions

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Saluti e espressioni di cortesia - Greetings and courteous expressions

Saluti                                        Greetings

Il Signore                                Gentleman

Signore Verdi                                Mr Green

La Signora                                the lady

Signora Verdi                                Ms/Mrs Green

La Signorina                                the young lady

Signorina Verdi                                Miss Green (young)

Buon giorno                                Good day

Buona sera                                Good evening

Buona notte                                Good night

Buona giornata                                Have a good day!

Buona serata                                Have a good evening

Come va? (familiar sing.)                How's it going?

Come sta? (formal sing.)                How are you?

Come stai? (familiar sing.)                "        "        "

Va bene                                It's going well

Benissimo                                Very well.

Bene                                        Fine

Così Così                                So so

Non molte bene                        Not very well

Non c'è male                                Not bad

Join now!

In ottima forma                                In great shape/ excellent health

Arrivederci                                 Until we see each other again (good-bye)

ArrivedeLa (formal sing.)                "        "        "        "        "        "

Ci  vediamo                                See you later (goodbye)

Ciao!                                        Hi/Bye

Salve!                                        Hello (more formal than Ciao) (mainly used in Rome)

A presto!                                See you soon!

A dopo!                                        See you later!

A più tardi                                See you later

A domani!                                See you tomorrow

A fra poco                                See you in a little while

Come si chiama? (formal sing.)                What is your name?

Come ti chiami? (familiar sing.)                "        "        "

Mi chiamo Giordano                        My name is Jordan

Ti presento ... (familiar sing.)                Let me introduce ... to you

Vi presento ... (familiar pl)                "        "        "        "

Di dove sei tu? (familiar sing.)                Where are you from?


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