Modern Language Usage
Modern technology is affecting our lives in many ways, some of which we aren’t even aware. Our language usage has changed greatly due to the development of communication in many ways; moreover, it has changed the way we use language and we have become lazy with our writing. Rather than writing complete sentences we shorten down our sentences to make our lives easier. We shorten down our sentences because we refuse to take an extra ten seconds of our lives to form a grammatically correct sentence. We shorten down our sentences because we are sluggish and comatose. Why do we do such a reckless thing although it does not positively change our lives?
According to a poll where teachers were asked if they thought text messaging affected teenagers’ language usage in academic writing, more than 50 percent of the teachers think it does. No child will be able to develop proper English skills if they are using this fake language all the time. They will make grammatical errors such as the wrong usage of “their” and “they’re”. Modern slang includes short words such as “sup” and “u” as well which actually mean “What’s up” and “you.” This is merely 2 examples of thousands and they are used daily by people who send text messages and write chat messages using modern communication tools. This usage of slang is decaying society’s language and in a couple of years we will see the president of the United States saying “lol” which stands for laugh out loud in one of his speeches. If we don’t change the way we write or speak, even when conversing informally, we will see dramatic changes in the future of our world. There is a solution to this problem though.
If we stick to common writing and use professional language even when communicating in a leisurely situation, we can save ourselves from the infection that eats at our education. The majority of the people that write using slang are teenagers and young adults; informing them of the reality that our future will be drastic if we do not change our frequent incorrect use of language is an important first step toward solving this world-wide mess. We must persuade the younger generation to step over to professional language and we must prove to them that real English is better in so many ways of which they aren’t aware; such as that it is used to communicate in business situations and that it is used to convey an idea or thought to the public. We must provide the younger generation with an alternative. We must exhibit the potential outcomes of our continuation of this false language usage. Devoting time and effort to this problem in our society can change the way young adults and we communicate; we can fix this problem but we must do it now. Make sure your children converse with you in proper English and refuse to communicate with them otherwise. Correct their grammatical errors when they send you a text message or write you an e-mail. Just like how you are punishing your children for the use of profane language, punish them equally as much for incorrect grammar and we will be risk-free of having a society where everyone talks without proper punctuation or vocabulary. Making these small changes will fix this state of decline that we are in and we will see some big changes in our language and its usage in modern techno logy.
Managing to fight off this bad habit that our society suffers from, will assure a better future for us and our future generations. It is important that we stop this virus from spreading any further while it is still possible to stop. The changes we will see by battling our faulty usage of language are bright and positive; if we persuade the younger generation to use only formal and grammatically correct language when speaking and writing from this point on, we will prevent our children from failing in the business world. The earth today revolves around business, it is as important to our life as the sun; if we didn’t understand the sun, we could not use it advantageously. Similarly, if one doesn’t understand how to act in the business world, one will not be able to take advantage of the business opportunities that may arise around one’s life. If we make sure that our younger generation communicates using only professional language, we will assure them a minimum of success in their future. We will guarantee that the future of the growing technology will not harm the world we have created. We will guarantee that no language shall decay to an unprofessional level. We will guarantee, ladies and gentlemen, that our legacy will be carried on and that we can be assured that the future of our land will continue to grow positively without language as barrier of growth. With this, we know what the problem is and we know what we need to do to fix it. Now ladies and gentlemen, let us fix the problem that has been holding society back and return it to its normal state of growth!
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