Although two different types of leaderships are presented and give very different ideas, one can choose to agree on either one depending on their morals and beliefs.
Both of the excerpts have similar ideas and beliefs on leadership. They agree that a leader’s life should have the knowledge to overcome fortune and build the best political environment for a nation. Further detail of knowledge would be to not be tempted by human senses and be weakened by them. Also, characteristics are to be as smart as a fox and a lion; defend against traps and terrify others as a sign of power.
As there as similarities between them, there are differences. Mirandolla believes that it is unnecessary to give in to temptations, for it is not what a man would do. Self control and knowledge is the key to pursuit active life. Machiavelli disagrees by stating that to achieve what is desired, one must use force and gain advantages, disguise and pretend into appropriate characteristics. Divine point of view believes through faith that the afterlife is more important and one should lead without temptations. The practical view suggests that whatever is desired should be obtained, whatever the case. These two ideas are very contrary to each other since one is all about faith and the Creator from above. The other is simply to be independent and listen to one’s own instinct.
From the context of these two different ideas, many people who are religious would be more than certain to agree with Mirandolla, for he talks about the Creator and His work that are involved in a leader’s life in order for great success. Because many people believe that the afterlife is more important and will be rewarding since one had been wise on Earth.
Machiavelli was known as “The Devil”. His point of view includes that faith is not needed, and that one should have beastly characteristics, specifically a fox and a lion. Therefore, a leader cannot keep faith because living in a world full of men with craft can only be won by human instincts. This is a great advantage on Earth because one can choose to obtain whatever they want by following their senses.
In conclusion, both excerpts contain very different ideas and can be looked as either good or bad according to oneself. Since it is their own opinion, it cannot be considered inaccurate because it is according to what one’s faith and what they believe in.