Half Blood Blues- Language in Cultural Context- Race, Music and history

. Does Edugyan’s diction her use of slang with words like, “gate” “buck” “axe” and “boots” pull you into the work, wanting to know what she means, or does it push you “out” of engaging with the text? What does that suggest about the impact of "reading" in a multi-cultural community like Canada? The use of slang words like, “gate” “buck” “axe” and “boots” were used commonly throughout the first couple of chapters of the book. I feel that they pull you into the work because these slang word are uncommon today and therefore pull the reader into the time period described in the book. Also the use of these slang words by the different characters gives insight into the background of the character. Each character uses the slang in a slightly different way which would suggest a multi-cultural community or at least a set of characters of different races and/or family backgrounds. . What do you notice about the use of informal sound of the dialogue, and how it functions in the work? The use of informal sound of the dialogue allowed me, the reader, to experience a form of dialogue that was used in the time period in which the book was set. I believe that this form of dialogue was useful in understanding the character points of view because it shows the characters emotions and feelings, which would be different from those felt by the reader of the

  • Word count: 509
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Ballade des Daltons vs. 12 Travaux d'Asterix et Obelix

Un homme célèbre a dit: «Deux livres sont jamais les mêmes". Aujourd'hui, les deux livres desquels je vais vous présenter sont splendides. La première histoire s'appelle "Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix et Obélix". René Goscinny l'a écrit en 1978 avant d'écrire son prochain livre. La deuxième histoire s'appelle "la ballade des Dalton". René Goscinny l'a écrit en 1978. Les deux histoires peuvent être regardées en ligne. Il faut que vous voyiez les deux films, ils sont incroyables! Tout d'abord, je voudrais commencer par vous présenter "Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix et Obélix". La ville à laquelle ils vivent est stricte. Les gens de la ville pensent que Astérix et Obélix sont des dieux. Alors ils ont dit à Jules César. Jules César a donné Astérix et Obélix douze tâches auxquelles ils devraient complètes. Il veut qu'ils le fassent. S'ils avaient terminé la tâche, ils seraient devenus des dieux. À la fin, ils sont devenus des dieux et ils contrôlaient l'Empire romain. A Mon Avis Je Pense Que cette histoire est très inspirante parce que Astérix et Obélix auraient passé beaucoup de défis à atteindre le sommet. Par exemple, l'un des défis était de lancer un javelot plus loin que Versets, le persan. C'est comme quand je dois commencer un nouveau morceau de piano , c'est très difficile, mais si je travaille dur, je vais apprendre la chanson et je serai

  • Word count: 525
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Son ensombrecidas las verdades por el lenguaje?

“¿Son ensombrecidas las verdades por los lenguajes con el que las expresamos?” Hay veces que no nos podemos dar a entender, o que nos malentendemos cuando queremos comunicarnos con otra persona, ¿pero porque ocurre esto? Esto ocurre por las desventajas que tiene el lenguaje. El lenguaje es la forma que tenemos los humanos para comunicarnos; existen varios tipos de lenguajes como por ejemplo el corporal, el verbal, el escrito, entre otros. Hay que tener en cuenta que una de las funciones principales del lenguaje es transmitir el conocimiento que tenemos a otra persona. Un ejemplo de esto es cuando nos quemamos; si yo toco el fuego y me quemo, es obvio que me va a doler. Yo puedo transmitir este conocimiento (el fuego quema) a través del lenguaje a otra persona que no ha tocado el fuego, y así esa persona sabrá que si toca el fuego, le quemará y le dolerá, sin haber tocado el fuego. El sistema del lenguaje es muy complicado y ha sido desarrollado desde la edad antigua. Sabemos que los cromañones y cavernícolas no tenían un lenguaje verbal muy desarrollado, pero utilizaban mucho el lenguaje corporal y nos podemos imaginar lo difícil que ha de haber sido darse a entender con solamente el lenguaje corporal y sonidos que no tenían bases. Ahora sabemos que el lenguaje se ha ido perfeccionando y desarrollando desde hace miles de años, pero hasta la actualidad,

  • Word count: 1382
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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CASO DE ESTUDIO - SAINSBURY'S RESUMEN Sainsbury’s, uno de los mayores minoristas de alimentos del Reino Unido, lidiaba con dos problemas de inventario significativos: . La ausencia de un sistema fiable para contar el inventario de productos . Deficiencia en la disponibilidad de productos en las estanterías de las tiendas Tras asociarse con RGIS para sus necesidades de gestión de inventario hace dieciocho meses, Sainsbury’s ha experimentado unas mejoras increíbles en la precisión de la recopilación de datos y en la disponibilidad de sus productos. En consecuencia, Sainsbury’s ha tenido una mayor rentabilidad. PROBLEMA Contexto Después de operar sin un proveedor de servicios de inventario externo durante diez años, los minoristas de Sainsbury’s no contaban con un buen proceso para garantizar el registro de un recuento preciso de productos. La ausencia de un sistema fiable impedía que Sainsbury’s midiera su inventario con precisión, lo cual limitaba su capacidad de control de la merma de productos. Eso, a su vez, conducía a menores ganancias. También había por parte del personal de tienda una reticencia a cambiar de procedimientos y a aceptar la responsabilidad de presentar informes precisos de la tienda. Objetivos La alta gerencia de Sainsbury’s consideraba que una mayor precisión en el informe de stock y una mayor eficiencia en el traslado de

  • Word count: 714
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Creative writing story in English and Malay

Everybody must have an unforgettable experience, including me. I have an unforgettable experience when I was about 17 years old Sometimes, I like to just lay back and remember the old days. I remember one day when my best friend came over to my house. We ate some meatballs and some tofu balls, and we stepped outside after lunch. As we were walking to play basketball together, we saw a strange looking old man huddled in an alley. He had a little dog next to him that he was petting. The old man wore a dirty old shirt and short pants, and he was sitting on a chair. The dog was a dusty-looking black and white haired. It had short hair and oversized ears. My friend passed the basketball to me, but I was looking at the old man`s dog. The ball sailed past me and struck the old man in the head. He shrieked in pain. Then he pulled out a giant, sharp looking machete from his wicker purse!! His little dog snarled at us. He picked up our basketball and waved her knife at us. “YOU SHOULD BE MORE CAREFUL, LITTLE BOYS!” He yelled. My best friend and I stared at each other in shock, and then we turned and ran. His little dog followed us, yapping and snarling at our heels. The old man took the ball and threw it over us… the ball went past us and down the road was the basketball court. It must have been 30 meters away and this old man got the ball in the hoop! The old man

  • Word count: 869
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Overview of an advertisement for Antigua.

Harald Hvalkof Kristensen English Herlufsholm Kostskole 2.IB Essay 19-09-2012 Signature_____________ ELA ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Overview of an advertisement The author of this article, expressed on the website “Wheretostay,com”, about Antigua, has used a good combination of structure and layout to make this message persuasive to the reader. The article is very well structured and it looks good to the eye, it catches our imagination by its construction with many paragraphs, separating each of the interesting facts about Antigua. There are no more than seven stanzas in each paragraph, and this makes it easy for the reader to quickly skim through the article and find the most interesting facts to read about, according to his or hers taste. The sender of this text is a holiday bureau; the massage is a getaway holiday to islands with many beaches, fun, and views, the receiver of the message is people from the middle to the upper class whom are looking for a holiday getaway. The information given throughout the passage is well balanced, in order for the reader to not stop half way in, in the articles, and keep on reading. The writer starts off by grabbing the attention of the reader, by stating “The twin-island nation of Antigua &

  • Word count: 744
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Ariel Dorfman. discusses the topic of bilingualism in America. The writer agrees with the idea of being a bilingual country.

Harald Hvalkof Kristensen English (HL) Herlufsholm Kostskole 2.ib ELA 09.10.12 Signature: __________________ Side of ________________ Paper 1. If only we all spoke two languages. . The audience that this text is aimed towards is educational institutes. I write educational institutes because a quotation from the first paragraph shows us an example from California “California voters rejected the bilingual approach -- teaching subjects like math and science in the student's native language and gradually introducing English.” I believe that the quotation refers to educational institutes because it refers to teaching which is educational. I also believe that the text is aimed towards parents, whom youngsters are new to school, and are in the immersing ages, since a quotation from the first paragraph shows us that “They approved what is known as the immersion method, which would give youngsters a year of intensive English, then put them in regular classrooms.” Again the quotation refers to educational institutes, but the parents would have to accept this agreement before it would be able to proceed. . Ariel Dorfman. discusses the topic of bilingualism in America. The writer agrees with the idea of being a bilingual country. He came to the United States, from Argentina when he was younger and had to learn the

  • Word count: 1039
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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: Phn tch bi th cnh ngy h ca Nguyn Tri.

Đề: Phân tích bài thơ cảnh ngày hè của Nguyễn Trãi. Nguyễn Trãi, vị anh hùng tên tuổi lẫy lừng trong lịch sử chống giặc ngoại xâm của dân tộc ta, là một con người tài năng kiệt xuất. Ông không chỉ để lại di sản phong phú về các mặt chính trị, quân sự, ngoại giao mà còn khẳng định tài năng của mình qua sự nghiệp văn chương đồ sộ. Có thể nói, ông là người khởi đầu cho nền thơ cổ điển bằng tiếng Việt qua tập thơ Nôm “Quốc âm thi tập” nổi tiếng. Bài “Cảnh ngày hè” là một bài trong số đó, nơi mà tác giả đã gửi gắm mọi tư tưởng, tình cảm yêu đời, yêu thiên nhiên và ước vọng cao đẹp của mình: “Rồi hóng mát thuở ngày trường, Hòe lục đùn đùn tán rợp giương. Thạch lựu hiên còn phun thức đỏ, Hồng liên trì đã tiễn mùi hương. Lao xao chợ cá làng ngư phủ, Dắng dỏi cầm ve lầu tịch dương. Dẽ có Ngu cầm đàn một tiếng, Dân giàu đủ khắp đòi phương.” Bài thơ được sáng tác vào khoảng thời gian Nguyễn Trãi về ở ẩn ở Côn Sơn. Ông tạm thời xa lánh chốn kinh đô tấp nập để về với thiên nhiên trong trẻo, an lành nơi dân dã; để rồi ghi lại

  • Word count: 1286
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Written Task: Media's Manipulation - Misled Mayan Prophecy to Mass in Mayhem

Media's Manipulation - Misled Mayan Prophecy to Mass in Mayhem A Blog Zwe Kyaw Zwa @ Robert Chen Written Task: 999 words Rationale: 296 words ________________ ________________ A couple of days ago on 21/12/12, I wouldn't have dared to post this blog. Everyone was in a frenzy about how the world is going to end and whether they should just pack up to leave Earth or jump off a skyscraper. No one would be in state of such haphazardness but for exposure to the sole culprit of all "breaking news" - the media. Let's take a brief backward stroll into the timeline. First came the print media when people got access to international news worldwide through newspapers. Then, appeared the television through which they could watch live shows and news. Finally, the arrival of the Internet sped up this communication process to even greater heights. However, the entire purpose of the media seems to have changed a long time ago. News articles are more stories now, thus, the word, 'news-stories,' rather than sources of information. Tom Brokaw quotes: "It's all storytelling, you know. That's what journalism is all about." News are made juicy and extraordinary by any means; doesn't matter if they are true or false. Take the case of this Mayan Prophecy. Few people even knew who the Mayans were or what the Prophecy was all about. The media changed everything, even converting 'prophecy'

  • Word count: 969
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Written Task: The Usage of Burglish on Social Networks

The Usage of 'Burglish' on Social Networks A Debate Zwe Kyaw Zwa @ Robert Chen Written Task: 999 words Rationale: 298 words Rationale The introduction of the English language to Myanmar has transformed many monolinguals in the country to bilinguals. However, the dominance of English, the world's top lingua franca,[1] over Burmese, a vernacular of Myanmar, has raised serious concerns regarding a declining fluency among youth in use of the mother language and hence, the loss of cultural heritage. People are becoming alarmed about what they consider as an improper usage of English and Burmese by Burmese teens on the Internet. Multilinguals, through code-switching, have transformed the Internet into a source that invents new vocabulary or even whole new languages.[2] 'Burglish,' a blend of Burmese and English, is one of these languages. 'Burglish' emerges from the utilization of English phonetics to spell Burmese pronunciations. This hybrid language has become a significant form of communication between Burmese speakers, and together with the social influence it has on people, an online community of 'Burglish' users is established. However, the practice of 'Burglish' gives rise to controversial issues concerning the purpose of its usage. Is this hybrid language a sign of innovation or stagnation, that of resiliency or incompetence? Is it going

  • Word count: 1330
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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