Chinese A1 HL Extended Essay

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  • Word count: 151
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Organisationen Globalise Resistance organiserade tv mtenunder parollen "Vrlden r inte till salu" frra veckan.Mtena samlade hundratals mnniskor i London och Glasgow. Yelah.netnrvarade vid mtet i Glasgow och fick uppleva

"Världen är inte till salu!" Organisationen Globalise Resistance organiserade två möten under parollen "Världen är inte till salu" förra veckan. Mötena samlade hundratals människor i London och Glasgow. närvarade vid mötet i Glasgow och fick uppleva mycket inspirerade tal av skickliga talare - bland andra José Bové. Första talare i Glasgow var Julie White från Green Party. Hon talade främst om växthuseffekten, ett alltid närvarande hot. Hon poängterade hur de stora företagens lobbygrupper gång på gång förhindrar beslut som gynnar miljön från att drivas igenom. USA:s president George W Bushs ignorerande av Kyotofördraget var ett exempel av detta, menade hon. - Bushs valkampanj var till stor del sponsrat av de stora oljeföretagen. Nu håller han på att betala tillbaka, sa Julie White till dem som samlats i den fullsatta aula. När senare frågade henne vad hon hade för inställning till de som demonsterar mot Bush i Göteborg svarade hon. - Jag är i total solidaritet med demonstranterna i Göteborg. Bush har ignorerat folkets vilja alldeles för länge. De efterföljande talarna var också mycket bra. Will Garton från Jubilee Scotland - uppföljaren till Jubel 2000 i Skottland - attackerade G7-ländernas ovilja att avskriva de fattigaste ländernas lån. Babs McGregor från Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament och

  • Word count: 708
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Cmo influye el poder de los personajes en las obras Antgona y Una Casa de Muecas?

Tema El poder Pregunta base ¿Cómo influye el poder de los personajes en las obras Antígona y Una Casa de Muñecas? Objetivo Demostrar cómo el poder afecta la trama y los personajes en las obras Antígona y Una Casa de Muñecas. Introducción La obra "Antígona" es una tragedia griega escrita por Sófocles en el siglo V a.C. en la que la protagonista, Antígona, se rebela contra su tío Creonte, el rey de Tebas, y lucha por hacer que se respeten los rituales de entierro de uno de sus hermanos. En el caso de la obra "Una Casa de Muñecas", escrita por Henrik Ibsen en el siglo XIX, se presenta la historia de Nora, una mujer que intenta mantener una familia perfecta escondiendo el secreto de cómo salvó la vida de Helmer, su esposo, yendo en contra de las reglas de la sociedad burguesa de la época. Ambas obras escritas en épocas distintas y contextos totalmente diferentes, pueden ser comparadas por varios factores, entre ellos, el poder que absorbe a los personajes en una completa ceguera. En ambas obras existen personajes que ejercen poder sobre otras personas; en "Antígona" es Creonte y en "Una Casa de Muñecas", Helmer. Este poder ciega a estos personajes, los cuales se ven perjudicados por las decisiones que toman estando ensombrecidos por el poder y, a la vez, el mal uso del poder afecta a personajes como Antígona y Nora. Desarrollo En "Antígona", Creonte

  • Word count: 1995
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Definition Aufklaerung

Vergleich zwischen Kants und Jaspers Definitionen für den Begriff Aufklärung: Aufklärung, ein Begriff der schon seit Jahrhunderten immer wieder neu definiert wird. Zwei der bekanntesten Philosophen, Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) sowie Karl Jaspers (1883 - 1969) definieren den Begriff in mancher Hinsicht auf eine ähnliche Art und Weise, jedoch ergeben sich feine Unterschiede, was nicht zuletzt an den komplett verschiedenen Epochen, aus denen die Künstler stammen, liegt. Da sowohl Kants Werk "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung" als auch Jaspers Text "Wahre und Falsche Aussage" auf der gleichen Grundlage basieren, ergeben sich gewisse inhaltliche Parallelen. Kant definiert den Vorgang der Aufklärung als "Ausgang aus der selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit". Zwischen Verfassung Kants Textes und der Zeit der Entstehung Jaspers Textes liegen über 160 Jahre in denen sich die Bedeutung zahlreicher Begriffe verändert hat. Unmündig ist ein Wort das den rechtlichen Status einer jungen Person erklärt. Zu Kants Zeiten stand dieses Wort noch für die Unwissenheit eines Menschen. Karl Jaspers Werk definiert Aufklärung auf dieselbe Art und Weise, jedoch mit Wörtern die eher unsere Zeit entsprechen. Für ihn ist Aufklärung ein Vorgang "gegen Blindheit des fragelosen Fürwahrhaltens". Bei der Analyse der Wörter Unmündigkeit und Fürwahrhalten ergeben sich auch gewisse

  • Word count: 537
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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La crise conomique de 1929, souvent voque l'occasion des turbulences financires actuelles, a commenc par un krach boursier sans prcdent aux Etats-Unis entranant faillites et chmage de masse travers l'ensemble des pays industrialis

Le krach de 1929 La crise économique de 1929, souvent évoquée à l'occasion des turbulences financières actuelles, a commencé par un krach boursier sans précédent aux Etats-Unis entraînant faillites et chômage de masse à travers l'ensemble des pays industrialisés. Tout commence le jeudi 24 octobre 1929 à la Bourse de New-York: 13 millions d'actions sont jetées sur le marché mais faute d'acheteurs, les cours s'effondrent. La panique se généralise, investisseurs et curieux se précipitent à la Bourse, tandis que le bruit du "je vends" des courtiers s'amplifie. Vers midi, le Dow Jones perd 22,6%. En quelques heures, des milliers de porteurs se retrouvent ruinés. La légende veut qu'en fin de matinée 11 spéculateurs se suicident en sautant des gratte-ciel de Manhattan. Un jeudi qui deviendra "noir" Au total, entre sept et neuf milliards de dollars de l'époque s'évanouissent durant cette seule journée. La Bourse s'effondre de 30% en octobre et de 50% en novembre. Les pertes totales atteignent 30 milliards de dollars soit dix fois le budget fédéral et plus que les dépenses américaines lors de la Première Guerre mondiale. Le "jeudi noir" est resté ancré dans la mémoire collective, le spectre de 1929 venant à nouveau hanter les esprits à chaque frémissement d'une place boursière. La débâcle financière annonçait et aggravait la Grande

  • Word count: 492
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Setting in Huck Finn and Siddhartha

"Setting is a powerful vehicle of thematic concerns; in fact, it is one of the most powerful". Using the two books, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Siddhartha, by Mark Twain and Herman Hesse respectively, I can proudly state that to a very huge extent, this statement proves true for both novels and helps to carry across the author's purpose in a clearer and more significant manner. Firstly in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the true setting behind the novel affects how the story is brought across to readers, depicting the happenings just as they are during that time. This novel is set and written in the 1800s where it wasn't considered immoral or erroneous to consider black people nothing more than property. People did not even consider mistreating blacks as racial, it was a social norm and everyone was okay with it. Slavery and racism did happen, and Twain did a great job in showing this ugly side of the world to the half of the world who had no idea at all. It was a fact and still remains a fact that most people in the 1800s were racist and even the kindest of people, symbolized by the Phelps', who was a family of God fearing, polite and kind people, still used the term nigger when they referred to their slaves. The words written and the actions and thoughts spoken aloud were very necessary to give the story its structure. Thus it can be said that there is not

  • Word count: 1588
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Under age Binge Drinking In Wales

Nick Burnley - Hall WBQ Individual Investigation - Under age Binge Drinking In Wales Introduction Alcohol is known to have a range of serious results both in terms of health and social effects. Alcohol according to Alcohol concern is actually the third biggest health risk in developed countries. People seem to realise the dangers of smoking and drugs but generally it seems the health and social dangers of alcohol are less well recognised. In some countries being drunk is seen as socially unacceptable it is however more socially acceptable in the UK. People get drunk in the UK and also groups go abroad with the sole purpose of drinking and getting drunk. It is fair to say that for a long time drinking and getting drunk has been part of the Welsh culture and tradition for adults. The practice has been that drinking in Wales was however pub centred and also very much a male activity. There is some evidence that there has been a recent increase in the use of alcohol in young people and the earlier use of alcohol in younger people of both sexes in Wales. It was surprising to find out that the World Health Organisation has identified that there are more young people drinking in Wales than elsewhere in the whole of the western world. Data relating to across Wales from the 'Health behaviour in School aged children survey' found 7% of 11 year old boys in Wales were drinking

  • Word count: 2463
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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The Impacts of Cigarette Advertising on the target audience

Lara K. English 11B 2nd March 2008 The Impacts of Cigarette Advertising on the target audience One of the major concepts of advertising is to generate and convey unrealistic expectations and ideas into the minds of the target audience. Advertising can have a significant affect on a country politically, culturally, socially and economically. Cigarette advertisements have an immense impact on the economy and society of a country because they influence purchasing behaviors due to a variety of factors. The advertisement "More Doctors Smoke Camels than any other cigarette" has various impacts on the target audience because doctors were included as part of the advertising campaign. One of the social impacts that this advertisement has on the audience is that it immediately catches their attention due to the fact that a survey was conducted and the result were exceptional. The results stated that most doctors in America smoke Camel's cigarettes. Not only did the survey include family doctors but the advertisement stated that "doctors in every branch of medicine were asked." This advertisement is a negative cultural impact because people were forced to believe that cigarettes are good for the throat, digestion and the nerves. They believed this because doctors included those health factors in their statements. Another reason why the audiences are persuaded by the

  • Word count: 840
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Macbeth as a Tragic Hero

Zack Lindahl Macbeth as a tragic hero Most stories have a protagonist, a central figure that drives the story onwards. In Shakespeare's play Macbeth the protagonist is clearly the Scottish thane Macbeth that is the protagonist. It is another question entirely if he is a hero or a villain in the drama. It can be said that Macbeth is a tragic hero, and not a villain, even though he is the perpetrator of several evil deeds. What then makes a hero tragic, and what elements of the tragic hero can be seen in the work, and in Macbeth? This essay will focus on exploring this throughout the play. There are numerous times where Macbeth's personality is spoken of or apparent throughout the play, which can be used to deduce if he is a tragic hero. The second time where the audience hears of Macbeth in the play is by an unnamed captain who talks of "brave Macbeth - well he deserves that name" (I, II, 16). This praise of Macbeth's virtues continues, and we see him as a man of many virtues in the beginning of the play. This changes as soon as he is confronted with the prophecy that he will "be king hereafter" (I, III, 48). This is the moment where Macbeths flaws starts to be revealed to us, especially if we observe his reactions. At first he is shocked and as Banquo says "rapt withal [entranced]" (I, III, 55) but later questions the Witches about their prophecy bidding them to "Stay...

  • Word count: 820
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth - Commentary

Commentary on Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth Wilfred Owen's Anthem for Doomed Youth is a reflection on the fate of soldiers fighting and dying on the front. Moreover, being written in 1917, the poem may be considered the author's comment on the World War that was in progress at the time. The theme of death, which is predominant in the poem, is first introduced already in the title of the work. Calling the fighting youth doomed, Owen emphasises that their fate has already been decided. The fact makes their death and burial seem even more tragic, inhuman, cattle-like and impersonal. Such portrayal of the young soldiers' death is effectively used by the speaker to arouse emotions in the reader. There is no definite addressee of the poem; the speaker seems to be addressing the mankind in general. Together with mentioned arousal of emotions, the purpose of the work is to provoke thought and deeper reflection on the matter of death on the front. The treatment of the serious subject in the poem with due respect makes it a real anthem - the author's way to express grief for dying youth. To enhance this expression, a form of an English sonnet is employed by the author. With its fourteen-line structure, iambic pentameter meter and a characteristic ending rhyme in the last couplet, a sonnet is a poetic form that is used where solemn treatment of the subject is required. The

  • Word count: 783
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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