"After Apple-picking" by Robert Frost

After Apple-picking by Robert Frost > Symbolisms: The "apple": In this poem, Robert Frost uses the symbol of picking apples to represent the speaker's hard work and decisions throughout his life. In the Bible, the apple symbolizes knowledge; this analogy reinforces the knowledge gained from the speaker's life experiences. "My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree/Toward heaven still" emphasizes that the act of picking apples can be interpreted as something related to religion. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, Eve was tempted by a snake to eat the forbidden fruit of the apple because the snake convinced her that eating it would make her more knowledgeable than God. This story can be related to the poem because when Eve eats the apple, she can go up the "ladder to heaven" because she is "omniscient" enough to do so. A freshly picked apple could also symbolize opportunities in one's life. In the poem, the speaker does not successfully pick all the apples, this shows that there were a lot of opportunities in his life that he never accomplished. "Apples I didn't pick upon some bough/But I am done with apple-picking now" show that the speaker is quick to give up on the opportunities he was offered during his life. The imagery of the thousands of apples that struck the earth and became bruised also means that the speaker has wasted a lot of opportunities in his

  • Word count: 1030
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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"Die Kraniche des Ibykus" German A2 Commentary

Die Kraniche des Ibykus Die Kraniche des Ibykus wurde im Jahre 1797 geschrieben, von Friedrich Schiller, einer des berühmtesten deutschen Schriftstellers. In dieser Ballade sieht man seine Interesse für die Antike, in dieser Ballade Griechenland, was man mit Goethe vergleichen kann, ein anderer Schriftsteller in Schillers Zeit. In Die Kraniche des Ibykus ist ein Schriftsteller unterwegs zu den Isthmischen Spielen und wird vor Korinth ermordet. Das ganze griechische Volk trauert um ihn und will die Mörder verurteilen. Leider war keiner Zeuge des Mordes, ausser einem Kranichzug, was über die Szene rüber flog. Während den Spielen fliegen die Kraniche über das Publikum. Die Mörder entlarven sich dann selbst, indem sie "Die Kraniche des Ibykus" ausrufen. Sie werden dann bevor den Richter gebracht und verurteilt. Die Antike spielt eine wichtige Rolle in dieser Ballade, nicht nur weil sie dort spielt, aber auch wegen den Göttern und in diesem Fall, wegen dem Schriftsteller, der den sogenannten Helden spielt, obwohl er uns ganz früh in der Geschichte verlässt. Der Schriftsteller ist auf dem Weg zu den Isthmischen Spielen, was fast wie die Olympiade war in der Zeit, für Schriftsteller und andere Künstler zum Beispiel Musiker. In der antiken Zeitepoche war Kunst und Literatur besonders wichtig, darum reagiert das Volk so erschrocken und wütend. Für die Griechen war

  • Word count: 1021
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Evaluacin de el poema El Abuelo por Nicols Guilln

Evaluación de el poema "El Abuelo" por Nicolás Guillén En un ensayo coherente y bien desarrollado de no mas de dos paginas, explora el siguiente tema. Analiza el poema que sigue en cuanto a su forma y su contenido. Cual es su verificación? Cuales son sus elementos temáticos y su estrategia? En que consiste su originalidad? Su significado social? El Abuelo Nicolás Guillén Esta mujer angélica de ojos septentrionales, que vive atenta al ritmo de su sangre europea, ignora que lo hondo de ese ritmo golpea un negro al parche duro de roncos atabales. Bajo la línea escueta de su nariz aguda, la boca, en fino trazo, traza una raya breve, y no hay cuervo que manche la solitaria nieve de su carne, que fulge temblorosa y desnuda. ¡Ah, mi señora! Mírate las venas misteriosas; boga en el agua viva que allá dentro te fluye, y ve pasando lirios, nelumbios, lotos, rosas; que ya verás, inquieta, junto a la fresca orilla la dulce sombra oscura del abuelo que huye, el que rizó por siempre tu cabeza amarilla. Rianet De Leon Periodo 3 Sr. Montero Viernes, Mayo 21, 2010 Nicolás Guillén, orgullo Cubano, se destaca por la exaltación de la influencia Africana en la sociedad hispanoamericana. El valor sincero de su obra sobre la raza negra ha adquirido renombre y categoría dentro del escenario de la literatura hispanoamericana. El soneto nombrado "el Abuelo" de

  • Word count: 669
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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För mig finns det många olika definitioner av ordet kunskap.

Skriftlig uppgift filosofi . För mig finns det många olika definitioner av ordet kunskap. Jag brukar dela upp det hela i 3 tre kategorier av kunskap god kunskap, ond kunskap och nyttig kunskap. När jag själv talar om kunskap så brukar det inte låta så filosofiskt men jag ska förklara vad jag definierar med kunskap. Om man slår upp kunskap i en ordlista står det " kunskap kunskapen kunskaper subst. vetande, lärdom" Om jag får reda på att en person tycker illa om mig så är det en sorts kunskap och det kallar jag ond kunskap. Det är kunskap som inte är rolig att veta eller inte gör dig gladare. Sedan kan jag få reda på att en person gillar mig det är god kunskap enligt mig. Det finns också en tredje kategori kunskap så kallad nyttig kunskap. Ett exempel på nyttig kunskap är något som är viktigt att veta i samhället t.ex. allmänbildning eller något man lär sig i skolan som hjälper en i framtiden. Jag tycker inte man kan säga att kunskap är gott eller inte gott eftersom det finns olika typer av kunskap. Det går helt enkelt inte att generalisera ett sånt stort ämne som kunskap. Själv har jag aldrig varit något för filosofi men när jag hörde Sokrates försvarstal så som Platon hade tolkat det så öppnade det sig en dörr för mig. I Sokrates försvarstal så lägger han en stor vikt på om det är viktigt med vishet. Vishet

  • Word count: 1259
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Pour acquerer une estime de soi!

Une bonne estime de vous-même est très importante ! Pour acquérir une bonne estime de vous-même, il y a beaucoup on puisse. Vos enfant se ferrait des amis, parce que leurs amis peuvent leurs donner confiance. Votre enfant doit être agréable et il doit développer un bon sens de l'humour. S'il est heureux, il gagnera la confiance soi-même. Il peut compenser ses longues heures de travail de classe par une sortie avec ses amis. Votre enfant se bien amusera avec ses amis, mais les parents doivent dire aux enfants que ils se ne laisseront jamais influencer par leurs amis. Je l'ai dit parce que l'amitié est toute ! Quand vous êtes avec votre ami(e), vous seriez bon et s'amuseriez comme un fou ! En outre, plutôt que se faire des amis qui ont de mauvaises habitudes comme fumer, on peut se faire des amis que on peut partager vos rêves et vos secrets. C'st la clé du succès car on peut partager vos difficultés, et vous les réglerez ensemble ! Les enfants, n'ayez pas peur de les gens a votre école qui sont plus populaires. Si les gens populaires vous frappent, apprenez à se battre, et la prochaine fois quand vous ils rencontrez, vous pourrez ils foutre une raclée !! Vous éprouverez comme un gagnant! Si vous étudiez, et donc, vous réussiriez, et vos esprits s'échaufferont. Avoir une bonne estime de vous-même est extrêmement importante pour la santé et le

  • Word count: 303
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel Chapter Analysis

February Settings The chapter opens with the kitchen ("Tita's Realm") as the main setting, but it has a different significance now because there is a direct relationship with the wider society due to "the wedding". The entire novel is set in a time of political instability- The Mexican Revolution. At this time, women began to gain freedom, appreciation and respect from men, allowing them to find a place for themselves. In this chapter, Tita shows initial signs of bringing across immense emotion through her cooking and its products. This is an act of liberation that Mama Elena would not approve of if she knew of the consequences. "White" is constantly repeated throughout this chapter, it shows how the writer makes Tita seem mentally unstable because all she can think about is the wedding, and weddings are mostly all white. She seems mentally unstable because the whiteness of the wedding seems to have blinded Tita because "[Tita] asked if Nacha was going to add the red food color to the icing" when Nacha already did. Character During this overwhelming year of the month, Tita continually thinks of the colour "White" because all she can think about is the marriage between her sister and Pedro (the love of her life) which leads her to become mentally unstable. Mama Elena punishes Tita for "feigning a headache" by conducting and forcing her to make the cake with Chencha

  • Word count: 14354
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Comparative commentary

Comparative Commentary For most of the people, bears are cute and look somehow friendly. Even though we know, that those animals can be very dangerous, the bears are often underestimated. Not only because we cannot find them in our near environment, and therefore don't know which impact they have, but also because we grow up watching series like Winnie the Poo (1977) or Brother Bear (2003), where bears have the hero and victim roles. Both these texts are based on the relation between the bear and man. The first is a newspaper article, concerned with the bear's extinction. The second text is an extract from a nineteenth-century novel, elevating the status of the bear and forgiving its misdemeanors. The theme of the first text is the survival of the bear. It explains how urgent it is to do something against its possible extinction. The article states the causes of depletion and includes various statistics supporting their arguments. Besides the text is concerned about the bears all over the world and mentions a range of species, including the brown bear and the panda. The second text is more about the invincibility of the bear and its mythic dimensions. It has to do with a conflict which arises when trying to analyze the bear and putting it into the "right" category. The text notes that there can be a mutual respect between a man and a bear but moreover it notes a

  • Word count: 659
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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English Paper 1 Practice

The Past of Unatoned Sins: Kite Runner By Megg Collins ENG 3UIB For Mr. Thompson October 15, 2007 Collins Page 1 4/26/2008 Khaled Hosseini's allegorical novel, The Kite Runner tells the story of the rise and downfall of the relationship of the main characters, Amir and Hassan, and inadvertently the rise and downfall of Afghanistan. More importantly, is how the main characters are symbolical to important Afghani figures, and how the main themes of this novel are symbolical to Afghani life. The novel, The Kite Runner is an excellent example of an allegory between the powerful story told throughout the pages, and the everyday life of Afghanistan. Firstly, in Khaled Hosseini's novel, the main characters of the novel prove to be highly symbolic to important Afghani figures. Amir the narrator of the story tells his story as a young coward child and his growth into a brave man who is ready to stick up for him and the one he loved most. Amir's defining moment as a child is when he makes the ultimate decision "I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be... In the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward." (Hosseini 77) This moment marks Amir as a coward. Amir represents the average Pashtun. Too afraid for sticking up for what is right, but then thinking being sympathetic is enough. Assef is another very important character

  • Word count: 1188
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Commentary on Raschida el-Charni's Life on the Edge

Raschida El-Charni's short story, Life on the Edge, is foremost a powerful and uncompromising attack against a version of patriarchy in which women and children are subjected by men, and which accepts that a husband and father may exercise absolute authority over his wife and children. The author conveys her aversion towards this form of patriarchy through the voice of an unnamed first-person female narrator recounting the events of one particularly traumatic day in the life of her family when she was aged 10. The story witnesses the narrator's dramatic transition from childhood to adulthood and, exposes the rigid gender roles imposed by the patriarchy to be baseless and inhumane. The narrator and her two younger brothers lose some of their father's sheep when they are caught outside in a sudden heavy downpour of rain. Their father "was very attached (16)" to his sheep and "was more saddened by any illness among them than by the death of a relative (16)." He reacts to this loss by giving the children a thrashing with his leather belt, and does not spare their heavily pregnant mother when she tries to protect them. The events of the day reach a climax that night when the mother goes into labour during the night. The narrator implores her fathers help, but is told: "Let her die, her life is cheaper than the sheep she's made me lose (18)." Shocked and saddened, the young

  • Word count: 1700
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Discuta las ventajas y limitaciones de los datos cuantitativos y los datos cualitativos para sustentar las afirmaciones de conocimiento en las ciencias humanas y en, al menos, otra rea de conocimiento.

Discuta las ventajas y limitaciones de los datos cuantitativos y los datos cualitativos para sustentar las afirmaciones de conocimiento en las ciencias humanas y en, al menos, otra área de conocimiento. Al referirse de las áreas del conocimiento y las afirmaciones que estas nos brindan, existe un interrogativo, ¿Qué tipo de datos son mejores para sustentar las afirmaciones de conocimiento? Las áreas se dividen, en especial las ciencias humanas con las ciencias naturales, según el proceso del área durante un contexto histórico y el progreso dentro de nosotros. Así, que el mejor paso para apoyar las afirmaciones es, por medio de los datos cuantitativos y los datos cualitativos. Los datos cuantitativos son aquellos que expresan información por medio de números o tienen una magnitud, por ejemplo, tengo 16 años. Por otro lado, los datos cualitativos son aquellos que contienen información de calidad, emocional y de percepción, por ejemplo, una obra de arte abstracta, requiere una interpretación; una fotografía, la personalidad de una persona, "es brava". Algunas de las áreas de conocimiento que se consideran necesarias son las matemáticas, con las ciencias naturales, y la psicología con las ciencias humanas. Dentro de esta variación de áreas, se trabajan afirmaciones con datos cuantitativos; que resultaría siendo las matemáticas ya que, la forma de

  • Word count: 1119
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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