EE: Individualism and Collectivism in "Anthem" and "We"

EXTENDED ESSAY - ENGLISH A1 A Soulless State How are individualism and collectivism presented in Ayn Rand's "Anthem" and Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We"? Student Name: Gary Kong Candidate Number: 001163- Supervisor: Jessica Evelyn Wilkins School: Sekolah Pelita Harapan Word Count: 3995 words ABSTRACT Early twentieth century literature saw the invention of the dystopian literature genre, which is characterized by a society that has become dysfunctional due to a particular philosophical flaw, in this case, altruism and collectivism. This essay investigates how the themes of individualism and collectivism are portrayed in two early twentieth century works: Yevgeny Zamyatin's We and Ayn Rand's Anthem. We was selected as the subject of investigation due to its originality - Zamyatin was considered the inventor of the modern dystopia. Anthem's selection was due to its common themes with We, but naturally different treatment of the themes. Specifically, the essay addresses how the treatment of these themes fit in context with the writers' backgrounds and then-current societal trends, how the settings are structured such that individualism is oppressed, the flaws of these settings, as well as how dormant individualism is reestablished in plot and characterization. The investigation concludes with the evaluation that the treatment of individualism and collectivism differs in

  • Word count: 4549
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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IB English - To Kill a Mockingbird (journal responses)

Response #1: Chapters 1 to 5 As I began reading this book, I kept thinking of the background information that I had heard before reading this book. At first I was told that there was a lot of controversy on the theme of the book, as well as on the language. So when I first heard such language as "nigger" I was not very surprised. I started thinking that this language was for the use of the author to prove a point, most likely of the perspectives people had in the south at this time. I am sure that racism is a very important theme in the book. Furthermore when I started reading this book, I was somewhat confused. The main character of Jean Louise to me seemed like a boy. It was only till her brother, Jem, referred to him having a sister, did I understand. However I think my confusion is justified since Jem does speak to Jean Louise as "Scout" and is always saying, "You're acting more like a girl everyday." It is quite obvious that Jean Louise is a tomboy. I think her act of being a tomboy is reflective of her bringing-up. Her father, Atticus, has alone sheltered her and she does not have a mother for guidance. A character that I thought was quite interesting was Dill. He seemed like such a random, yet cute character. One day Jem and Scout just found him on a doorstep and initially, I thought he would be a somewhat annoying character that would act as a tag-along to Jem and

  • Word count: 4515
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Personajes Secundarios "Casa de muecas"

Literatura Análisis de "Casa de muñecas" Personajes y valores Moara Fischer Noelia Rodo Fernanda Paz Alejandro Rioja Análisis de "Casa de muñecas" "Casa de muñecas", de Henrik Ibsen fue objeto de una inmensa polémica en su estreno. Para los conciudadanos europeos de finales del siglo XIX - es decir, para la sociedad más avanzada en su época - que una mujer abandonase el hogar conyugal, por un motivo además tan abstracto como la insatisfacción, tal y como hace Nora en el desenlace de este drama, era algo inconcebible en la realidad, y lógicamente mucho menos en el teatro, dentro de todo ese ambiente tan burgués. Para idear la trama de su obra, Ibsen recreó una serie de personajes de características distintas, que le otorgaron mayor importancia al elenco sobre el cual giraba el testimonio de la realidad burguesa que se vivía en ese entonces, pero que hasta el momento nadie se había animado a sacarlo al público. Personaje Principal La protagonista de la obra es Nora, una mujer atrapada dentro de las leyes sociales de la burguesía. El autor muestra un claro estereotipo de mujer inútil y sumisa. Ibsen nos enseña los prejuicios que se tenían respecto a la mujer en ese entonces, desde el punto de vista social y cultural. Para comprender mejor la idea principal de la obra, resulta conveniente hacer una comparación con otra obra ya leída, como ser:

  • Word count: 4464
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Girl With a Pearl Earring

Girl With a Pearl Earring English B 3IBA Contents Abstract p. 3 The Essay p. 4 Bibliography p. 12 Abstract I have written this extended essay about the book "Girl With a Pearl Earring" written by Tracy Chevalier. My research question is: How does Griet change throughout the story in her relationship with others. Before I started writing the essay I read the book two times and went one more time through it and marked me which relationships Griet experiences. I quickly found out that the relationship between Griet and the painter Johannes Vermeer is the most important one, and he has the most effect on her life than any other character. Through this relationship she eventually starts to mature and comes in contact with her feminine side. As a result of this she opens more up to Pieter, whom she later marries. The other characters in the book does not have such an impact on her life that Johannes have, but they bring out another side of her that she did not know that she had. The cunning child Cornelia brings out a more firm and strict side of Griet and she shows that she will not let people treat her as if they were better than her. The other maid Tanneke brings out an

  • Word count: 4437
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Importancia de las temticas de la muerte y la crtica social como componentes importantes en la literatura del boom latinoamericano: Coronacin de Jos Donoso y Crnica de una muerte anunciada de Gabriel Garca Mrquez

002624-023 ORGANIZACIÓN DE BACHILLERATO INTERNACIONAL Programa del Diploma San Ignacio de Recalde School Monografía en Español A1 Importancia de las temáticas de la muerte y la crítica social como componentes importantes en la literatura del boom latinoamericano: “Coronación” de José Donoso y “Crónica de una muerte anunciada” de Gabriel García Márquez Nombre del Candidato: Nicolás Vega Código: 002624-023 N° Palabras: 3858 Convocatoria: Noviembre 2012 LIMA – PERU 2012 Agradezco a mis padres y profesores por su apoyo continuo en la realización de este trabajo ________________ Resumen La siguiente monografía estudia la importancia de las nuevas temáticas empleadas en la literatura del boom latinoamericano. Específicamente, se tratan los temas de la inclusión de una crítica social por parte del autor y el sentido que la muerte refleja en la obra. Grandes exponentes de este movimiento, como Gabriel García Márquez y José Donoso, manifestaron las distintas situaciones que se vivían en la América latina de este entonces poniendo énfasis en el debacle de las altas clases socio-económicas y el comportamiento o falta de identidad de los pobladores latinoamericanas. En este contexto, los escritores hicieron uso de nuevos elementos que los diferenciaron la antigua narrativa latinoamericana otorgándoles cierto reconocimiento a nivel

  • Word count: 4424
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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The Other Slipper - retelling the story of Cinderella.

Suriawinata/Cinderella/ The Other Glass Slipper By Jesseril Suriawinata Ms. Placer P7 English 10 Once upon a time, there lay a young girl who was forced to heat herself from the cold, against the snug fireplace in the basement. Her clothes, in dust and stains from her day-to-day menial house chores, were in addition coated with cinders. When she was little, her father would tuck her in goodnight and kiss her forehead, leaving her with an innocent smile. Her father was a gentleman, whom after several years grieved over his wife’s sudden death. He was desperately vulnerable, looking for someone to cushion his sorrow. Until, he met a woman one day out when he was eating at a diner. He had always gone there after late hours at work with his only company as the intolerantly cheerful server of the table. Chairs were wrapped in moss velvet, tables were waxed clean and polished, while salt and peppershakers were seated on the edge of every table. On occasion, when he felt an extremity of loss, he would drown himself with hunched shoulders, sweat strolling down his face, and a constant phrase, “One more, bartender.” Chicken soup and hot coffee was his go to dish, otherwise, and it was served at his diner table one afternoon. He quietly scarved down the thick, lumpy appetizer and looked out at the cars racing back and forth. She was sitting at the corner booth with a novel

  • Word count: 4282
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Carnea si produsele din carne. Carnea de gaina si de pui fiarta este usor digerabila. Carnea de rata si de gasca contine o cantitate mai mare de grasimi.

Carnea si produsele din carne Carnea, indiferent de animalul de la care provine (vita, oaie, porc, pasare), are o compozitie corespunzatoare varstei si starii de nutritie a animalului.Carnea contine circa 20% proteine.Continutul grasimilor in carne depind de felul animalului si de starea de nutritie.Cea mai saraca in grasimi este carnea de vita si vitel (6-8%) si cea mai bogata - carnea de porc (30%). Carnea contine o cantitate mica de glucide.Carnea, indeosebi cea a animalelor tinere, este bogata in substante extractive (purine, creatina, creatinina), substante minerale (fosfor si fier).Viscerele (ficatul, rinichii, inima) contin cantitati sporite de fier, in ele se gasesc cupru si cobalt. Celelalte substante minerale (calciu, sodiu, clor, sulf, magneziu) constituie in carne cantitati mici.Ionii de clor, fosfor, sulf provoaca actiune acida in organism.Carnea este bogata in vitamine hidrosolubile, complexul B. Viscerele pe langa aceste vitamine, mai sunt bogate in vitamine liposolubile (A, D). Carnea de gaina si de pui fiarta este usor digerabila. Carnea de rata si de gasca contine o cantitate mai mare de grasimi. Valoarea nutritiva a carnii este mare dat fiind continutul ei inalt de proteine, vitamine, substante minerale.Ea poate fi consumata fiarta, fripta sau tocata.Carnea pusa la fiert in apa rece, pierde o parte din substantele hidrosolubile (substantele extractive,

  • Word count: 4180
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Paises en el comienzo de la edad moderna

PORTUGAL En este país reinaba la dinastía de los Avís. Había formado parte de Castilla en la época medieval habiéndose separado más adelante y habían sido los portugueses los que habían liberado a Lisboa de los musulmanes. En Portugal reinaba un sentimiento de pertenencia a una entidad superior que era la Península Ibérica. El aprendizaje del castellano era algo muy común entre los portugueses. Entre 1438 y 1481 reinaba en Portugal el rey Alfonso V, quien había tenido la tentación de intervenir en los asuntos castellanos durante el reinado de Enrique IV Trastámara y también después de su muerte en la guerra civil que se había producido entre los partidarios de Isabel y de Juana la Beltraneja. La intervención de Alfonso V se había saldado con un fracaso de tal forma que Portugal no volvería a intervenir en los asuntos castellanos. A Alfonso V le va a suceder su hijo Juan II que reinará entre 1481 y 1495. Con Juan II Portugal seguirá desarrollando las aventuras coloniales que se habían iniciado en el reinado anterior, de tal forma que bajo la dirección del príncipe don Enrique el navegante, Portugal explorará toda la costa africana. Juan II casará a su hijo Alfonso con una de la hijas de los reye Católicos. Sin embargo Alfonso fallecerá prematuramente y el rey Juan II quedará sin descendencia por lo cual, cuando este fallezca le sucederá un

  • Word count: 4131
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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Periodismo digital vs. Periodismo tradicional

Santiago Duhne Ayala HS 12º DICIEMBRE 2009 Monografía IBO ¿Qué es la vida artificial? Desde el punto de vista de la informática y la teoría de sistemas. Introducción La investigación en Sistemas Complejos en general, y en Vida Artificial en particular, suele parecer a la gente bastante novedoso. Hace diez años, temas como Teoría de Sistemas, Simulación de Sistemas Biológicos, Cibernética o Redes Neuronales eran abordados por minorías. No en vano fueron líneas de investigación oficialmente cerradas ya desde los años 60. A excepción en los primeros años de los 80 fueron los problemas de caracterización del comportamiento caótico en sistemas de ecuaciones no lineales, estudios que interesaron sobremanera a las Ciencias Física y Matemáticas. Aún y todo sistémicos, estas áreas no compartía la misma visión Una de las desventajas que tiene la gente egresada en los 80 del área de la informática en torno a la investigación interdisciplinar, casi exclusiva del área sistémica, fue la anomalia. Por razones de pura descontextualización histórica de la enseñanza, no tuvieron la referencia de la Cibernética como teoría del control y las comunicaciones en animales y en máquinas. La idea de la Inteligencia Artificial exhibida en las novelas de Stanilav Lem, más allá de la Cibernética clásica, creaba en los estudiantes de los 80 un dilema

  • Word count: 4117
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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An analysis of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

An analysis of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 with a special focus on Guy Montag's communal development and the theme of censorship This essay will analyse Ray Bradbury's novel "Fahrenheit 451" with a main focus on the key character and the theme of censorship. Censorship is the cause of all actions in the story bound society, and is the main influence on the Guy Montag's personal development. As censorship constantly influences his lifestyle, he realizes what is wrong with the system and undergoes a change in his attitude towards his surroundings and standard of living. Analysing the effects of censorship and Montag's development we will closely follow the three stages of his progress; ignorance, doubt, rebellion. To do this we will follow from the beginning of his story, investigating his every action and state of affairs in the key events of his development. By the end of this essay we will have been through the whole development, revealing us the result of Guy Montag's progress and how he has handled his conflicts with censorship. We will analyse the factors and reasons to what made him revolt against the society, and analyse the actions and roles of the characters that have influenced the results of his achievements. Having done this we will be able to extract the message Ray Bradbury is sending to the public and the background for writing Fahrenheit 451. "Picture

  • Word count: 4111
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Languages
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