Maths IA Type 2 Modelling a Functional Building. The independent variable in this investigation is the height of the building. The maximum volume of a cuboid under the roof depends on the height of the roof, which is the dependant variable.

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Maths IA Type 2                Francis Nguyen


The structure of a roof for a building is parabolic. The design of this building has a fixed rectangular base which is 150m long and 72m wide. The maximum height of this building can vary between 50% - 75% of its width for stability and aesthetic purposes. The independent variable in this investigation is the height of the building. The maximum volume of a cuboid under the roof depends on the height of the roof, which is the dependant variable.

All calculations will be made through Ti-nSpire calculator (GDC; Graphical Display Calculator) and all figures will be rounded to 3 decimal places as architects work with millimetres where as this report works in meters.

The Function:

The model of the roof structure will be designed on a Cartesian plane using the graphing package, Graph. The axis of symmetry (also the maximum turning point in this case) will be modelled at  within this report (refer to Fig 1 below). The roots of the quadratic will be at a fixed co-ordinate of          (-36,0) and (36,0) as the distance between these 2 points is 72m long for when the façade is designed at the width (refer to Fig 2).

From these requirements, we manipulate the general form of the quadratic function to fit the purposes of this report.

Fig 1. The building roof structure on a Cartesian plane:


Method 1. Finding the general formula:

The general form of a quadratic function is:


There is no horizontal shift as the line of symmetry will be modelled at the  axis


The  intercept will be modelled at the maximum height of the parabola

Let  intercept


The roof is at a maximum turning point


∴     The form of the model quadratic is:


To solve for , substitute in the known fixed values (the root) for  and  (36,0):




Substitute all these values into the general form of the quadratic to obtain the general formula of the roof:


Modelling at Minimum Height:

Below in Fig 1 is a model of the roof structure with the minimum height of 36m, where the façade is designed at the width.

Fig 2. Model of 36m high roof structure at the façade

3 points were plotted on the graphing package, Graph, and a function was given to best fit the points. The function given was , where , meaning that the function given perfectly fits the points. The closer  is to 1, the more accurate the function is. Now, to find this function algebraically.

Method 2. Finding the function at :

To determine the function in Fig 1 above algebraically, sub in  into

∴     The function is:



To show that  is true:

According to Graph in Fig 1,



∴    The function is correct

Maximum Cuboid Volume Dimensions:

After determining the function, we must find the dimensions of a cuboid which has the maximum volume under the curve.

Method 3. Finding the dimensions of a cuboid with the maximum volume under the curve:

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To find the dimensions of a cuboid with maximum volume under the curve, we find the area of the face of the cuboid:



                {sub in  value}



Differentiate to find maximum area at ,









            {these values are the roots}

Find the second derivative to prove that this is a maximum curve:



∴  The function concaves downwards when  

Sub in  value (from the first derivative) into original function to find  value



  Dimensions ...

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