Mathematics Portfolio Type I

        The beginnings of matrices and determinants go back to the 2nd century B.C. although matrices can be seen back to the 4th century B.C., however, it was not until near the end of the 17th century that the ideas reappeared and developed further.  J.J. O'Connor and E.F. Robertson stated that the Babylonians studied problems which used matrices, as well as the Chinese using matrices early on.  All throughout history, the use of matrices has helped mankind progress.

        A matrix function such as X =  and Y =  can be used to figure out expressions.  By calculating X2, X3, X4; Y2, Y3, and Y4 the values of X and Y can be solved for.    = X2.  By following rules of multiplying matrices, this can be shown as   = .  Using X2 we can conclude that X2 =  or .  One can generalize a statement of a pattern that develops as the matrix goes on.  The expression is as follows, Xn = .  The number 2 in the matrix comes from when the product of Xn is solved for.  The value of 2n-1 is twice the value of Xn.  The variable n represents what power the matrix is to, such as n = 2, 3, 4.  We can now solve for the rest of the values of Xn.

X3 =  =  =

X4 =  =  =

Further values of Xn can be proven by the expression, Xn =.

X5 =  = =

X6 =  =  =

Y2 can be proven with the same expression by slightly changed.  Since a12 and a21 are negative, we much change the expression as Yn =  to meet the demands of a12 and a21.

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Y2 =  =  =

Y3 =  =  =

Y4 =  =  =

Just to be sure the expression works again, we can find higher values of Yn.

Y7 =  =  =

Y8 =  =  =

By using GDC, the values of Xn and Yn were double checked for accuracy.

        By having the values of Xn and Yn, they can be used in the expression (X+Y)n to further advance the knowledge of matrices.  (X+Y)n is the same as the expression (Xn)+(Yn).  Addings matrices would be just like adding a11+b11 and a12+b12, by adding the values of the columns and rows used, the value of the product, ...

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