The Koch Snowflake

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Q.1)  Using an initial side length of 1, create a table that shows the values of Nn, Ln, Pn   and An for n = 0, 1, 2 and 3. Use exact values in your results. Explain the relationship between successive terms in the table for each quantity Nn, Ln, Pn and An.

ANS 1)


At first, let us take a look at the change in the sides of the snowflake with increase in stages. It is soon realized that with increase in stage, the snowflake structure changes and so do the sides consequently. On further observation, it is seen that the snowflake sides increase in geometric progression.

 This is seen because:


4:1 is the constant ratio. The sides increase by four times with each increase in stage.

Next, we have the length of sides of the snowflake. On first look, it seems that the length of sides decrease tremendously with each stage starting from the initial length of 1. However, a closer look reveals another geometric progression!  

Let me show you how:


0.33333333:1 is the constant ratio. The length of the sides changes by this ratio with the progression of stages.

Thirdly, we come to the perimeter. It is seen to increase with each passing stage. On closer observation, it is revealed that there is a geometric progression. This is seen again in:


1.33333333333:1 is a constant ratio. The perimeter increases in this ratio with each passing stage.

Lastly, the area of the snowflake is put under consideration. By now it seems clear that all the three parameters follow a geometric pattern and hence I am tempted to test the last one as well. Apparently, the area increases with each passing stage and, to prove my suspicions right, the area of the Koch snowflake follows a geometric pattern as well.

This is seen in:


1.333331794:1 is the constant ratio and the area increases by this ratio with each passing stage

How the formulae came to be realized will be discussed, elucidated and observed in the 3rd answer.

Q.2) Using a GDC or a suitable graphing software package, create graphs of four sets of values plotted against the value of ‘n’. Provide separate printed output for each graph.

ANS 2)


It is seen that there is a sharp rise in Nn with progression of n.

There is a sharp fall in ln with progression of n as seen in the graph.

There is a gradual increase in perimeter (Pn) with increase in n.

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There is a gradual increase in area (An) with progression of n.

Q.3) For each of the graphs above, develop a statement in term of n that generalizes the statement shown in its graph. Explain how you arrived at your generalizations. Verify that that your generalizations apply consistently to the sets ...

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