Darkness At Noon World Lit Paper 2

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000 119 023

World Literature Essay II: C

Candidate Number: 000 119 023

Word Count:1071

Total Number of Pages: 4

The Individual vs. The Party in Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler

Purpose Statement: The fundamental believes of the Party explained by Arthur Koestler were oppressive to the ideological believes of the individual. In return the revolution failed to reach a utopian society due to the oppression of the individual.

        The party describe in Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler represents the governmental and economic system of communism in the Soviet Union during the 1930’s and 40’s with the main intend of reaching a utopia in the real world. The sacrifice of the individual was necessary to carry out the will of history in the eyes of the party. The ideology of the party creates a conflict in Darkness at Noon where the ideologies of the party undermined the ideas of the grammatical fiction with a result of a failed revolution. An individual perception is needed to help the rest of humanity, without it nothing can be done to change society.

        Koestler uses Rubashov as a vehicle to describe the struggle between the ideas of the party and of the individual. The transformation from despising the “silent partner” to an overall understanding of the necessity to acquire it can explain the flaw of the party. As Rubashov is slowly accepting his grammatical fiction he is getting closer to understanding why the party needed the ideologies of the grammatical fiction. The trance-like state of mind that Rubashov experiences is describe as a feeling of uniqueness but at the same time an awareness of a spiritual feeling of oneness with the entire human race. This state of mind is reference to an oceanic sense; “…modern psychologists had recognized this state as a fact and called it the oceanic sense. And indeed, one’s personality dissolved as a grain of salt in the sea; but at the same time the infinite sea seemed to be contained in the grain of salt” (Koestler, 206-207). This complex paradoxical idea describes how the individual is connected to the human race. One’s personality is also the personalities of the entire human race. Without understanding one’s own individuality, how can the party understand the needs of others and reached a utopia? The fundamental difference is highlighted, as the party is unable to sympathize with the human race due to the resistance to understanding its own silent partner or individual entity. The party is unable to make decisions that are able to benefit a large population of people.

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      The party’s main objective is sound and concrete in the beginning were the goal was to gain a utopia on the world. However, the method the party has used to obtain it was slowly undermined and flawed. Extreme rationalism, logic, and the sacrifice of ethical decisions had hindered the revolution. The idea of vivi-section where all means justify the ends and the individual is needed to be sacrifice like an experimental lamb highlights the opposition of the party towards the grammatical fiction. (Koestler, 128). Rubashov has followed this method his whole life and has done many unethical ...

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