Quelle est la consommation du vin en France et son effet sur la société?

Wine with food

La Culture

  • A growing competition of drinks which challenges wine as a French national symbol.
  • The wine consumed has changed and the consumption of quality wines is no longer restricted to festive occasions.  
  • French people drink the most wine in the world
  • Wine is part of the French culture and France cuisine would not be the same without this drink. Drinking wine with meals is a common French tradition and is possible to see families enjoying their dinners accompanied by a glass of wine at most French regions.
  • Wine is among the most important elements of not only French cuisine but of the French culture and traditions as well.
  • Legal drinking age is 16 for wine
  • As the demand for higher quality wine increases at the expense of lower-quality wines, traditionally the backbone of the French wine industry, the French will have to adapt their wine industry accordingly. Wine culture in France has changed. The French drink less wine, but wine of better quality. The future undoubtedly will be marked by fewer bottles of common wine and by larger amounts of premium wines, which is a desirable situation for the wine consumer, but unpleasant for many growers accustomed to extract as much tonnage as possible from bountiful, ordinary wines.

Wine Drinking in moderation

La Santé

  • All the essential vitamins are found in a glass of wine.
  • Consumption of wine today is increasingly defined as occasional.
  • This has been accompanied by a growing concern for dietetics, good health and lifestyles which have had an impact on the wine consumption.
  • n a observé depuis longtemps que nous avons, enFrance, moins de maladies cardio-vasculaires que dans d’autres pays malgré une alimentation qui n’est pas toujours meilleure. C’est ce que l’on a appelé le paradoxe français.
  • une consommation modérée de vin associée à des effets protecteurs cardiovasculaires via un effet sur le bon cholestérol et sur la limitation de la formation de caillots dans les artères.
  • Consumers buy reduced quantities but spend more money on acquiring wines.
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More fine wines rather than ordinary wines

  • Boost in Economy
  • France produces one-fifth of all the wine made in the world
  • There has been a decrease in the consumption of ordinary wines and an increase in the consumption of fine wines.
  • Accompanying this trend, the consumption of wine is characterised by a growing social differentiation.

La culture du vin en France est un domaine sacré et intouchable. La filière viticole a toujours été un secteur clé pour l’économie du pays et pour sa renommée internationale. Actuellement, le secteur béni des dieux est en pleine crise ...

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