Comparing and Contrasting Envy and Deception in Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing and Othello

Comparing and Contrasting Envy and Deception in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and Othello The course of events in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and Othello are shaped by the deceit and envy of individuals whose desires is arguably to achieve a higher status in society, as well as to avenge the cause of their own dissatisfaction. Don John and Iago manipulate the minds of the people in Much Ado About Nothing and Othello respectively by using these characters' insecurities as tools in a quest to ruin their lives. Both plays also involve some self-deception on the part of the characters though, being a comedy, Much Ado About Nothing sees the reconciliation of Claudio and Hero along with Benedick's and Beatrice's proclamation of love. This is in contrast to the bleak ending of the tragedy that is Othello, in which we witness the demise of Desdemona and Othello. This is perhaps why these to plays share some differences as well as similarities - whilst the motives of Iago and Don John are similar, a lot of the deception that occurs in Much Ado About Nothing is not for malicious purposes and thus this is where Othello and Much Ado About Nothing differs. Furthermore whilst Don John is clearly envious of his half-brother's social authority, the extent to which Iago is envious of Othello and his relationship with Desdemona is ambiguous. Given the fact that Don John is

  • Word count: 3814
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Oral Sur La Maternite

Ma, Mother, Madre, Maman...Le cris d'un enfant a sa mère. La maternité, l'une des forces les plus incompréhensibles de la nature humaine, l'une des forces les plus fortes aussi... Buenos Dias, Mon oral sera sur le thème de la maternité, dans les romain "moi Tituba sorcière" de Maryse Conde et "Le Balle du dodo" de Géneviève Dormann. Dans cet oral, j'analyserai les différents aspects de la maternité. J'aborderais tout d'abords les sentiments d'une mère envers ses enfants. En alternant entre les deux livres. Et pour finir je parlerais de la maternité adoptive dans ces deux romains. Commençons Par LES SENTIMENTS Tous d'abord dans moi tituba sorcière de Maryse Conde, nous avons Abena et Tituba, ou nous voyons, au début des relations une manque de sentiments de la part d'Abena envers sa fille, la citation a la page 18 : " Quand découvris je que ma mère ne m'aimait pas ? " démontre ce manque de sentiments. Pourquoi cette manque d'affection ? Abena fut viole est de ce viole Tituba naquit, et au tous début de cette relations entre mère et fille, nous voyons qu'Abena n'a pas oublié le tourment quelle a endure avec ce marin blanc, je cite a la page 18 " Je lui rappelais a tout instant sa douleur et son humiliation. ". L'énumération, encore a la page 18 nous montre ce manque d'affections qu'a endure tituba au tous début de sa vie " Aussi quand je

  • Word count: 3508
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Communicating with children

Assignment title: Communicating with children P2 Describe how to communicate with children using both verbal and non-verbal methods of communication by describing here situations as examples from your placement to highlight these methods. M1 Explain why communication skills are important to develop relationships with children in a placement setting. Give reasons to clearly support your explanation. D1 Evaluate your own communication skills when developing relationships with children in a placement setting by discussing relationships with children in a placement setting by discussing four of your strengths and four of your weaknesses in this area. Include a plan of how you intend to continue to develop your strengths and improve your weaknesses. P2 . Situations from my placement that highlight verbal and non verbal communication methods was for example with Abigail aged 2 1/2 years. She is a very shy, quiet and timid girl. Thus, I did not use a loud voice when talking to her. At first I played with her doing puzzles. I smiled and expressed genuine pleasure when she tried to interact with me, positioned myself at her level and made a non-threatening eye-contact. At first I avoided asking her lots of questions and acknowledged her communications by answering or responding rather than simply giving praise. All of this paints a picture of openness and care for the child.

  • Word count: 3432
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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THE SALE OF GOODS ACT,1930 Goods :- Goods mean any kind of movable property other than money & actionable claim & includes :- * stocks & shares * growing crops * grass * things attached to OR forming part of land but which can be severed {separated} at the time of the contract. Types of goods :- 1) Existing goods : They are those which exists in the possession OR custody of the seller at the time of the contract of sale. They are further divided into :- a) Ascertained goods - They are those, which can be identified at the time of the contract. e.g. :- Purchase of TV, Refrigerator, etc.. b) Unascertained goods - They are those, which cannot be identified at the time of the contract. e.g. :- A buyer wants to purchase 5 kgs of sugar out of a bag containing 100 kgs of it. 2) Future goods : They are those, which are not in the possession of the seller in the condition in which they should be sold. These goods are to be produced OR manufactured OR acquired by the seller after the contract of sale. e.g. :- A buyer desires to purchase furniture of a particular description to be made by a carpenter. Contract of sale :- A contract of sale of goods is a contract where by the seller transfers OR agrees to transfer the property in the goods to the buyer for a price. Such a sale may be absolute OR conditional. Where under a contract of sale the property in the goods

  • Word count: 3407
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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E-Commerce and Fraud

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, can include any type of transaction which requires electronic transmission of data. Fraud, in this respect, can include the most obvious type being online transactions, as well as a far range of other activities from the swiping of a stolen credit card at a grocery store to the electronic embezzlement of money by an employee within a company. E-commerce fraud is different than that of other specific industries or situations. It encompasses such a large span of industries, activities, and data types; it is a relatively new concern since the internet has become prominent In most households only within the past 15 years resulting in lack of education and security concerns for many users especially since verification of identity is difficult without face to face encounters. As with many types of fraud, E-commerce fraud targets the consumer as its primary victim, leaving many individuals at risk. Fraud may occur within organizations as well as outside organizations; it can be perpetrated by a business, a consumer, or a person posing as someone they are not. Within an organization, management or employees can perpetrate a fraud. Since they are inside of the company, they have the advantage of being inside the company's computer network, meaning they do not have to get through external security to access information. This type of fraud

  • Word count: 3128
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Oral Presentation: Swift and Larkin

Ladies and Gentlemen: I will be comparing the way Swift and Larkin present their pessimism of human nature in "Gulliver's Travels" and "The Whitsun Weddings" collection. By the end of this presentation you will understand how and why these two authors present their pessimism of human nature in these two texts. The definition of human nature is "the basic character or disposition of mankind including ways of thinking, feeling and acting that all human beings have in common" I believe this nature includes the capacity for both good and evil and therefore can be viewed optimistically or pessimistically. Swift's purpose in Gulliver's Travels was to stir his readers to view themselves as he viewed humankind, as creatures that were not fulfilling their potential, but were simply wallowing in selfishness and ignorance. I will be exploring the way Swift presents his pessimism of: * Basic human nature * Excessive Pride * Contemptuous intellectualism Satire is the main tone that Swift uses in Gulliver's Travels. I believe the reason for this tone was attributed to his frustration with mankind's vile nature life. He believed that by revealing our true nature through satire, we would change our shameful ways. Swift admitted himself that he wanted "vex" the world with his satire, and it is certainly in his tone, more than anything else, that you can feels his intentions. The

  • Word count: 2827
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Tainting the World's Greatest Spectacle

Independent Study Project 2008-09 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | By: Pirathap Loganathan Mr. David Hughes Imagine a world where all the world's top athletes were on one, even and level playing field. Imagine an Olympics where the spirit of fair play, integrity, and unaided competition between human beings at their peak of natural fitness was genuine and drug-free. The reality of all this is that you cannot. Nowadays, scandals plague the games even before the gun goes off. It hardly raises any eyebrows when a famous athlete dopes. Long gone are the days of Pheidippides running barefoot from the village of Marathon, demonstrating a test of brute human endurance, courage and spirit. It is too late to stop an Olympics fuelled by drugs, so why try? Sport has changed dramatically over the years, and athletes should be allowed to do what is necessary to compete in the modern era. That is why Olympic athletes should be allowed and given the choice to rightfully use performance-enhancing drugs for the reasons of freedom of choice, the untenable distinction between natural and unnatural substances, and a much more even level playing field. Due to freedom of choice, the legalisation of performance-enhancing drugs should be permissible for Olympic athletes to use. In today's society, some feel the need to control the morals of others by enforcing laws that ban certain products. If an

  • Word count: 2802
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Informe TISG (ITGS)

Introducción Actualmente para que una empresa alcance cierto éxito dentro de su área es necesario que esta se dé a conocer para que los clientes puedan conocer que es lo que ofrecen. Por lo tanto, la difusión de la información es un punto clave para el desarrollo de una empresa. Para esto se desarrolló una página web la cual permitiera la disponibilidad de la información en cualquier momento, de manera que si existen clientes interesados en los servicios ofrecidos por la empresa puedan acceder a ellos de manera simple. El área de impacto es dentro de Empresas y Empleo. El producto fue desarrollado en un periodo de tres meses durante los cuales se trabajo en conjunto con el usuario final, al cual se le iba informando de los progresos que se realizaban. El informe de trabajo se dividirá en cinco partes, las cuales tendrán como título cada uno de los criterios de evaluación requeridos. Se hace muestra a través del informe de todas las pruebas alfa, con dos pruebas beta hechas por personas adecuadas para realizarlas. Y finalmente se le presentó al usuario el producto final después de ser realizadas las pruebas beta. Se presentará una conclusión en el criterio K en donde se evaluará la repercusión social del producto. Criterio G: Identificación del problema en un contexto social En la actualidad las tecnologías van avanzando de manera constante, por lo

  • Word count: 2697
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Can the work of architect Le Corbusier be explored in the context of the Design Cycle Model and was it reflected in his modernist approach to architecture?

Introduction Le Corbusier was a well known Swiss-French architect in the early to mid 20th century who helped lead the modern architectural revolution and influenced the direction that architecture and urbanism took. This essay will explore and investigate the question; Can the work of architect Le Corbusier be explored in the context of the Design Cycle Model and was it reflected in his modernist approach to architecture? This topic is worthy of study as there are no books which examine the inter-relationship between the Design Cycle Model (DCM) and the work of Le Corbusier. This essay will present this new perspective of architecture and focus on Le Corbusier’s modernist approach to design. From a personal perspective the subject is worthy of exploration because of a deep interest in the areas of design technology, architecture and in particular a keen interest in Le Corbusier. Background The DCM is an important aspect of design technology in the International Baccalaureate (IB) and is examined and discussed in Topic 1: Design Process. There are six stages in the Design Cycle Model, these are: . Identifying a need or opportunity 2. Research and specification 3. Generating ideas 4. Developing ideas 5. Realisation of ideas 6. Evaluation, (International Baccalaureate Organization p. 45, 2007) The DCM diagram (International Baccalaureate Organization 2007, p. 46)

  • Word count: 2694
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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Information Technology in a Global Society - Is integrity a difficulty when students use Wikipedia to obtain information?

International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a Global Society Portfolio - 3 Is integrity a difficulty when students use Wikipedia to obtain information? (Education) July 2010 Word Count: Article: Does Wikipedia suck? "Insidehigherend" 26 March, 2010. <>. Table of Contents: Criteria A Presentation of the Issue .............................................................. p.3 Criteria B The IT Background of the Issue........................................................p.4 Criteria C The impact of the issue ..................................................................p.5 Criteria D A solution to the problem arising .....................................................p.6 Works Cited ...............................................................................p. 7 News Article: Does Wikipedia suck? ...................................................................p. 8 Criteria A: Presentation of the Issue Wikis have become more popular among students over the years; they use it as a fast way to get information for their projects and other school related work. And very often the information on it is not accurate. One of the most popular wiki website is call Even though are many good articles, like all wikis could be edited. Which means information on

  • Word count: 2513
  • Level: International Baccalaureate
  • Subject: Misc
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