Coefficient of friction lab report

Authors Avatar by tugutlu19 (student)

Aim: To determine the spring constant(k).

Introduction: Force applied on a spring to elongate it. The weights of the masses are the forces on the spring.

Applied force=WEIGHT

Weight is the gravitational force on the objects.

Weight is equal to mass times gravity acceleration.


Weight(W) has a unit of N

Mass(m) has a unit of kg.

Gravity acceleration(g) has a unit of kgms-2.

The extension of the spring is measured by initial and final length of the spring.

Extension=final length – initial length

Extension(e) has a unit of cm.

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To find the spring constant k, we use the equation below.


The SI unit of the spring constant is Nm-1

First, we got a spring and a mass hanger at one end of it. And we used a ruler to measure the initial length of the spring. Then we put 100 g of mass on the mass hanger and measure the final length of the spring. We repeated the same procedure for 200 g to 900 g. We did nine trials to get our datas. The dependant variable is extension and the independent variable is ...

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