Design Lab, Charge on Balloons

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IB Physics Yr. 2 HL

Design Lab II

IB Design Lab II

Electric Charge in Balloons


        To determine the relationship between the volume of a balloon filled with air and the charge on its surface. In this experiment, the given balloons will be filled up with air and then an electroscope will be used to determine the charge on the surface. A wool cloth will be used to charge the balloon of different volumes and then the balloon will be conducted to an electroscope to measure the amount of charge. To determine the volume of the balloon after finding the charge, Archimedes principle will be used. The principle states that when an object is fully or partially immersed in water, the mass of the water displaced is equal to the volume of the object immersed. The mass of water is the same as its volume because the density of water is 1 g cm-3. In this case, the balloon will be immersed in a bucket of water. This bucket will be placed in a big dish so that the water falls in this dish. The mass of this water will then measured using a weighing scale, which then is equal to the volume of the balloon. (Archimedes principle)

Electric charge plays a key role in this experiment. Electric charge is the flow of electrons from point A to point B per unit time. In this case, the balloon is an excellent conducting medium for charged particles.

        One important factor in this experiment is the balloons. For each data point, a different balloon would have to be used. This is because the balloon from previous data point will have to be deflated first and plus it would already be accumulated with charge. Hence, this experiment won’t give ‘perfect’ results, but an attempt will be made by keeping numerous variables constant.

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        Also, the volume of the balloon can only be measured after the charge has been measured. This is because if the balloon is immersed in water before measuring the charge, he balloon will be completely wet and it would be problematic to rub the wool cloth on the wet surface.


There are a number of variables in this experiment. The volume of the balloon will be increased in this investigation, hence being the independent variable. As the volume of the balloon will be varied, the charge will vary accordingly, hence being the dependant variable. Some variables in this experiment have ...

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