Determine the spring constant of a vertical spiral spring in simple harmonic motion using Hookes law.

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Physics 20IB: Restoring Force

Aim: Determine the spring constant of a vertical spiral spring in simple harmonic motion using Hooke’s law. Produce a graph that will enable you to find the spring constant using an appropriate averaging technique.

Experimental Design: 100g masses will be hooked to a suspended spring on a retort stand and create an oscillation on the spring. The masses are going to be adjusted at a constant with an addition of a newly hooked 100g mass in each trial, the oscillation of the spring in centimetres will be recorded vs. the mass hooked to the spring, this will help us determine the spring constant, K derived from Hooke’s Law .


  • Test Spring (Manufacture Unknown, Weight Resistance Unknown)
  • Standard Lab Retort Stand
  • Meter Stick (used for measuring the oscillation of spring) 100.00 ±0.05 cm
  • A set of 100.0 ±0.2g Standard test masses (Used to manipulate spring oscillation.)
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  • Manipulated Variable: Mass Added

The mass added will be kept at a constant increase of 100g per trial; each 100g mass will be hooked on to the mass bottom of the previous mass.

  • Responding Variable: Spring Oscillation 

The increase in the oscillation of the spring will be measured by a stationary meter stick placed vertically beside the spring placed in between the retort stand holder; each measurement taken will be measured to the nearest 0.05 cm and recorded on a data table.

  • Controlled Variable(s): Environmental Conditions; Type of Mass Added; ...

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