Determining acceleration of free fall by of a simple pendulum.

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Determining acceleration of free fall by of a simple pendulum.


In this investigation I am going to use the simple pendulum to determine the value of acceleration of free fall.

The method involves setting pendulums of certain lengths in motion and timing the time taken for ten complete oscillations at that length.

Then using the formula

T = 2π  (l/g)  


Therefore T2 = 4π2l


I aim to find the value of acceleration of free fall from the gradient of a graph of T2against l. From the above equation I hope to get a straight line graph with a positive gradient passing through the origin.

As I hope to get a straight line graph the equation of the line will be in the form of

 y = mx + c

But since the graph will pass through the origin my c = 0

If the above formula is then re-arranged as follows

        T2 = 4π2

           l        g

but T2 = gradient for the graph of T2against l


Therefore it follows that gradient = 4π2



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Thus the acceleration of free fall (g) will be given by the equation below

g =     4π2__


My variables are length of pendulum (l), time for oscillations (T), height from which pendulum is displaced and number of oscillations. My dependent variable is the time T for the oscillations as it depends on the pendulum length which is the independent

 variable. The number of oscillations and the height from which the pendulum is displaced are my constant and will not change.

The apparatus I use in the experiment are as follows:


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