Title: Efficiency lab

Purpose: Find the efficiency of three different spheres


Manipulated Variable: the type of ball used

Responding Variable: height of the first bounce of the ball when it is dropped from 2m

Controlled Variables: the force applied on the ball, the height at which the ball is dropped, flat surface

Hypothesis: the efficiency of a sphere is going to depend largely on its mass and size, the less the mass and size, the higher that it will bounce, because the lesser the mass, the lesser amount of energy will be needed to push it up against the downward pull of gravity, and the smaller the size, the lesser friction air will create when it is bouncing up. This means that the golf ball is possibly going to be the one that bounces the highest and the most efficient, the tennis ball will bounce the second highest and the second most efficient, and the field hockey ball will bounce the third highest and the least efficient.

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  • golf ball
  • tennis ball
  • field hockey ball
  • a flat surface
  • 2 meter sticks
  • tape
  • electronic balance


  1. Mass each of the spheres using the electronic balance and record the mass
  2. Use two meter sticks and tape one end of each together forming a 2m stick
  3. Position the two meter sticks perpendicular to the ground and parallel to the wall, station them by taping them onto the wall
  4. Drop one of the three spheres selected from 2m off the ground or the very top of the meter sticks
  5. Watch and then record the height ...

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