Experiment plan - How is the distance travelled by a propelled margarine tub dependant on the mass of the margarine tub?

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Research Question

How is the distance travelled by a propelled margarine tub dependant on the mass of the margarine tub?

Independent Variable

The mass within the margarine tub, within this investigation the mass that will be utilized are brass weights which will be in grams. The weights used will be 50g and 100g weights.

Dependant Variable

Distance travelled by the margarine tub which will be measured in cm.

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Measuring the variables


* Do not stretch the elastic band past the second half, and make sure the weight upon the chair is heavy enough to keep the stool in place

* Ensure that safety goggles are always on when experiment is still in progress

* Confirm that weighs are properly taped down and lid securely fixed down as weights may fly out and become a safety hazard if it hits people in the eye.

* As the experiment will be taken place ...

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