How do angle of incline and the coefficient of static friction of different surfaces like wood, cardboard and rubber affect the velocity of a wheeled object rolling down an inclined plane.

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IB Physics HL Extended Essay

Motion on an inclined plane Research Question:

How do angle of incline and the coefficient of static friction of different surfaces like wood, cardboard and rubber affect the velocity of a wheeled object rolling down an inclined plane?

Word Count: 3970 Words

Examination Session: May 2021

Table of Contents

Listing Figures and Tables

  1. Introduction

As a mountain biking enthusiast, I observed that riding down different surfaces and different inclines led to variations in the velocity of my bike; being aware of the laws of physics that lead to higher velocities from higher inclines, I was intrigued by the variations caused by changes in surfaces and also hoped to further investigate the empirical relationship between these variables. This topic was intriguing to me as motion on an inclined plane is often taken as a fundamental law in physics without explanation of its theoretical frameworks and that it is actually a product of laws, such as the law of conservation of energy. An opportunity to pursue my interest, and conduct an investigation in this area was provided through the independent nature of the extended essay, thus I have chosen to investigate the relationship between coefficient of friction, inclination, and velocity of an object travelling down an incline plane.

  1. Research Question

How do angle of incline and the coefficient of static friction of different surfaces like wood, cardboard and rubber affect the velocity of a wheeled object rolling down an inclined plane?

This essay studies how different inclinations influence velocity of the model car on these different surfaces with varying coefficients of static friction through an experimental approach. The topic ties in to physics as it engages fundamental laws within mechanics and Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion1. Pondering the outcomes of the investigation brought up applicability of this study to implementing varying surfaces on roads in order to minimise traffic velocity on downhill roads to ensure road safety or perhaps to investigate materials with minimal coefficient of static friction to maximise velocity in motorsport vehicles.

1 The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Newton’s laws of motion | Definition, Examples, & History. Encyclopedia Britannica.

  1. Background Information

  1. Acceleration and inclination

An object of mass m on a flat plane experiences reactionary force R which is equal to the

weight, but as the plane is inclined by angle θ ,

R now becomes

mg cosθ which is considered


Diagram 1: Mass on an inclined plane2

Diagram 1 illustrates forces acting on a body on an inclined plane, forces perpendicular to the surface can be taken as F = mg . Given the vector nature of force as a quantity, any forces

acting at an angle will have both horizontal and vertical components as observed in the diagram below:

Diagram 2: Graph of force against angles3

2 Khan Academy. (n.d.). Mass on an inclined plane [Illustration].

3 Physics World. (n.d.). Forces on an inclined plane [Illustration].

A force is resolved into its perpendicular constituents when concerned with an incline plane, as the normal reaction acts at 90 degree angles from the plane. In order to balance the forces, an object's weight is distributed into its perpendicular constituents when placed on a plane inclined above the ground, thus it can now be seen that the force acting parallel to the plane will be the product of the force and the sine of the incline ( F sinθ ), and the force acting

perpendicular to

F sinθ is equal to

Fsin(90 ­ θ)

or F cosθ . Applying the knowledge about the

increasing nature of the sine function with variations of θ from 0-90, we can understand that

larger inclines, or larger values of theta will result in a greater acceleration.

  1. Coefficient of static friction

The force of static friction is the resistive force that opposes the motion of a body; a body can only achieve motion once the force acting on it is greater than the force of static friction acting on the body, this force differs with different materials and is equivalent of the product of the coefficient of friction and the normal reactionary force:

F = μs R  (Equation 1)


μs is the coefficient of static friction and R is normal reactionary force. Whilst it

may appear that kinetic friction is more appropriate for this study since the model car is in motion, objects that are sliding are governed by kinetic friction.4 On the contrary, a wheel does not slide on the surface rather it rolls, due to its ringed shape, in this rolling motion of the wheel each section of the wheel is individually in contact with the surface it is rolling on thus requiring the forces of static friction to be overcome, and considered in this investigation. From this point μs will be taken just as μ as it is the only coefficient of friction being considered. The coefficient

4 Static & Kinetic Friction. (n.d.). David Newman’s Page - University of Alaska Fairbanks.

of static friction, according to Byju’s, can be defined as the maximum ratio of applied force to normal force with no motion5. It can be calculated by the following formula:

μ = F f


= mg sinθ = tanθ (Equation 2)

  1. Rotational dynamics

As noted in the previous section, wheels are rolling on the surface thus encountering static friction, hence accounting for friction the velocity for a rolling body can be determined remembering that forces parallel to an inclined plane are given by: Fsinθ = mg sinθ using

F = mg . Hence:

ma = mg sinθ

­ F friction (Equation 3)

Equation 3 gives the force experienced by a body moving down the inclined plane, velocity can be determined from acceleration given in this equation.

Since we are concerned with rotational motion of the model car’s wheels it is important to account for torque. According to Kognity Physics HL: Torque is the ability of a force to rotate an object, and the product of the magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and the line of action of the force.6 Here, torque is given by the product of the wheel radius and linear force, (which is the frictional force) and can be denoted as: Γ = F static r . Torque can also be calculated using the product of the moment of inertia and angular acceleration, which means Γ = Iα , thus Iα = F static r . Where:

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5 Coefficient of Static Friction. (n.d.). Byju’s. 6Kognity. (n.d.). B.1.1 Torque. nd-rotational-dynamics/torque/

moment of inertia7 ( I ) = mass (m)×radius2(r2 ) and angular acceleration8 ( α) = linear acceleration (a)

Now Iα = F


r can be rewritten as: (m×r2 )

× a = F

static r

which can be simplified to:

F static

= (m×a) (Equation 4)

Having obtained frictional force in equation 4, it can now be used to calculate

acceleration        using        equation        3:

ma = mg sinθ

­ (m×a)


Collecting        like        terms        gives:

mg sinθ

3 ma 2


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