Ankit Shahi                Jan 06 2009

Index of Refraction

The aim of the experiment is to find the index of refraction, n , of the plexiglass. This would be done by passing a ray of light at the plexiglass, at a certain angle, and then recording the angle at which it refracts back into the air. The angle incident to the plexiglass and the refracted angle would be measured by the graph paper that would be placed beneath the plexiglass.

When light enters a more optically dense medium, the ray bends toward the normal to the surface inside the medium. This is true for all angles greater than zero. However when the light enters a less optically dense medium, the refracted ray bends away from normal.

To find the index of refraction of plexiglass, n, the graph of the angle of incident ray and the refracted ray could be made and then the slope could be found. The slope represents the index of refraction of plexiglass because the index of refraction of air is 1.00.

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The independent variable in this lab is the angle of the incident ray, the responding is the angle of the refracted ray. The controlled variable include - the intensity of the ray, the position of the plexiglass, and the apparatus. To control the intensity of the ray, use the same type of material. The Plexiglass should be kept at the center of the graph paper nas the apparatus was kept constant by using them again .

The materials that would be required is - a light source, a plexiglass, a graph paper which tells the angle.


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