Nuclear technology may be a useful substance that can produce great amounts of energy, but if used by the wrong hands, it may be a deadly weapon

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Jae Woo Lee


One World Essay

        Nuclear technology is something that scientists consider an essential type of research in the field of future science. From the time since Marie Currie had found the radioactive material, radium, the technology in this field drastically increased. During World War 2, the solution to end Japan’s tenacious resist of giving up was the atomic bomb that Albert Einstein had invented. This bomb included high processed (back then) nuclear technology. But in the current world we live in, North Korea has been constantly threatening South Korea with its developed Nuclear Technology. Nuclear technology may be a useful substance that can produce great amounts of energy, but if used by the wrong hands, it may be a deadly weapon. But even though the technology may be deadly, it is essential for current science.

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        21st century North Korea, after making the truce at 1953 with South Korea, has been using most of its money on improving  its military powers which includes nuclear technology. According to official North Korea media, about 15.8% of the state budget has been used every year for the military. North Korea is known to carry fissile material for up to 10 nuclear missiles that can be deployed on intermediate range locations. It may not be a problem if North Korea kept these warheads for self-defense, but it is a problem when they threaten other countries with this technology. For an ...

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