IB Physics Design Lab

Period of an Oscillating Mass

Joy Fan

International Baccalaureate

Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School

October 2, 2009

Period of an Oscillating Mass

1        Planning A

1.1        Research Question

The aim of this experiment is to predict how the mass of the oscillating object m and the elongation of the spring l will influence the period of an oscillating mass on a spring and devise an experiment to test that prediction.

1.2        Hypothesis

The oscillating mass comprises of a vertically-hanging mass on a spring. Physical quantities of the oscillating mass include mass m, length l of the elongation of the spring, the spring constant k, and the period T of the oscillating mass (which is the time it takes for the mass to swing through one complete oscillation). I am choosing to study the mass m of the object and the length l of the elongation of the spring because past experience and preliminary investigation lead me to believe that the period of the oscillating mass should have a direct relationship with these two factors.

The Second Law of Motion as proposed by Sir Isaac Newton states that the net external force on a body is equal to the mass of that body multiplied by its acceleration:

Hooke's Law also states that the extension of a spring is in direct proportion with the load added to it as long as this load does not exceed the elastic limit:

By equating the above two equations, we have:

We also know that , where  is the period of the oscillating mass. Solving for T, we are able to find:

From the above formula, I predict that the only factors which could affect the period T of an oscillating mass are the mass m of the oscillating object, and the spring constant k.

If k is kept constant, and m is increased, then the period of oscillation T will also increase, and the oscillating mass is slowed down. Conversely, if m is decreased while still keeping the spring constant k constant, T will increase, and the oscillation will speed up.

On the other hand, if mass m is kept constant, and k is increased by switching springs, then T decreases and the oscillations become faster. Conversely, if k is decreased while keeping the mass of the object constant, then T will increase and the oscillations will occur less frequently.

It is also clear from the formula that the relationship between T and m is not linear but exponential and my results should show this. I also predict that the elongation of the spring l will not have an effect on the period of the oscillating mass.

1.3        Variables

Independent: Mass m of the hanging object, measured by weighing it on the analytical balance, and the         length l of elongation of the spring, measured using the meter stick.

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Dependent: The period T of the oscillating mass; the time taken to make one full swing. This         

measurement will be done by using a stop watch and will rely greatly on my vision and reaction time.         I could not find an apparatus that would automatically record this dependant variable. However, a         

stop clock is sufficient.

Controlled: Length of elongation l (if m is the independent variable) and the mass m of the object (if         length l is the independent variable). The mass m of the object is kept constant by not switching masses         in the process, and the length of elongation will ...

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