Finding the Intensity of a

U-Shaped magnetic field

IB Physics


Aim: In this lab we aim to find the intensity of the magnetic field. We will do this by applying a current on a wire that is at the same time subject to a magnetic field. By looking at the displacement from the initial position and the amount of current applied we would find the “B” of the magnet.

Hypothesis: “I think that the displacement of the wire is dependant on the current and that the magnet’s effect is constant with the change of current”

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Dependant variable: Current (amps)

Independent variable: displacement of the wire.



  1. First of all I set the apparatus as shown above.

  1. Secondly I recorded the zero point of the end of the wire.

  1. Set the power supply to 12 Volts

  1. We recorded the displacement of the spring every 0.2 change in amps.

  1. We recorded the data and repeated the process twice. .


This is a preview of the whole essay