

To calculate the acceleration of the dynamic trolley by using various methods.For eg. Ticker Timer, Motion Sensor.

Theory/backround information: Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity.

Therefore, a=(v-u)/t ;where u is the initial velocity, v is the final velocity and t is the time taken.

Part 1: Ticker Timer


  • Dynamic trolley
  • Ticker timer
  • Carbon/paper tape
  • Wooden blocks
  • Table
  • Cello tape
  • Electricity appliance


  1. Take one or two wooden blocks and put them under the table to tilt the table.
  2. Place the ticker timer at the top of the table but make sure that it should not fall due to the slope of the table.
  3. Conect the ticker timer to the electricity appliance.
  4. Insert the carbon/paper tape inside the ticker timer.
  5. Paste the carbon/paper tape, which is on the front side of the ticker timer, on the backside of the dynamic trolley with a cello tape.
  6. Start the ticker timer and release the trolley.
  7. Stop the ticker timer when trolley reaches the other end of the table. But assure that before trolley falls down, it must be stopped.
  8. Then continue the same procedure three times but with new carbon tape and then record the data.
  9. Find the velocities by counting the fifty dots(the ticker timer makes fifty dots in one second). Then by counting first five dots and then measure the length by ruler and then initial speed(u). Similarly by counting last five dots from the fifty dots and then measure it by a ruler and calculate final speed (v).
  10. Now calculate the accelerations of all the trials by using the formula (a=(v-u)/t).
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Data table :


d1 =distance covered at first

t1 =time taken to cover d1

u=initial speed

Percentage uncertainty of d1 = 0.0005 x 100% = 2.083%


Percentage uncertainty of t1 = 0.01 x 100% =        %


Percentage uncertainty of  u = ...

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