What would be the best geo-science solution to stop global warming?

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What would be the best geo-science solution to stop global warming?

        Global warming and climate change cause an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperatures. This is mostly caused by increases in “greenhouse” gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The greenhouse effect is actually a natural process, it helps to keep the Earths temperature warm enough for life to grow, without this process most of the sun’s heat would escape back into space and the Earth’s average temperature would be significantly lower. However, if the greenhouse effect becomes stronger, then more heat gets trapped than needed, and the Earth might become less habitable for humans, plants and animals. Human activity has caused an imbalance in the natural cycle of the greenhouse effect and related processes. Increased greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect have contributed to an overall warming of the Earth’s climate, leading to a global warming. Even just a 2°C increase can have impacts around the world to biodiversity, agriculture, the oceans etc.  The result can be extreme weather patterns, such as more hurricanes, drought and longer and more intense periods of dry heat or rain, the rise in temperature will also melt all ice away, including the Antarctica, which will eventually cut off the Gulf Stream.  Now scientists have come up with new solutions to preserve our natural climate. These projects are called geo-engineering. Geo-engineering has become a controversial topic, as many scientists doubt the necessity and effectiveness of the many individual projects. Many believe that we do not have the moral right to “play god” and change the climate, as we still do not know enough about our climate and its reactions to man-made changes.

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        The first idea, named Marine Stratiform Cloud Enhancement, is supposed to reflect the sun rays by making artificial clouds.  Unmanned, wind powered boats will be spraying sea water into our atmosphere. These man-made clouds will be able to reflect up to 10% more of the suns rays than the natural clouds. However, this method is extremely inefficient; one would need about 1000 sea vessel to get the job done. Another disadvantage is that it is very risky to make more clouds, as we do not know what the side effects would be.  The increase of clouds would probably also increase ...

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