Caffeine is a crystalline xanthine alkaloid compound, which basically means it is a naturally occurring element.

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Caffeine is a crystalline xanthine alkaloid compound, which basically means it is a naturally occurring element.

In its pure form, caffeine is a white coloured, bitter tasting substance which acts as a stimulant. It works by speeding up the central nervous system and as a result, leaving the user with and elevated mood, higher levels of concentration, and being less drowsy. It can be found in commercial form in many beverages and foods such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. As well as this it can be bought over the counter in pill form. Due to its abundance it is the worlds most used drug. (2007 centre for addiction and mental health).

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Caffeine is also often used medically for both drowsiness and in a number of neonatal medicines.

Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance, being found in over 60 plants in the world. The most common are cacao pods (most commonly used for chocolate products), kola nuts (used for the preparation of cola drinks), the ilex plant (from whose leaves the popular south American beverage yerba mate is prepared), and in guarana seeds (an ingredient in some soft drinks). Due it being readily available, it is rarely artificially manufactured. However it may be made from a complicated mix of dimethyl urea ...

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