IB Psychology Experiment - Our aim is to determine the effect of gender on awareness on the moon walking bear video.

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Effects of Gender on Awareness

Anica Wang

IB Psychology SL

October 24, 11

Word Count: 1481


Our aim is to determine the effect of gender on awareness on the moon walking bear video. Ten female and ten male high school students from Kaohsiung American School will be picked and asked whether they would like to participate in the experiment. The sampling method we chose is the opportunity sampling method, since we wanted to avoid people who already seen the video before to participate, which could affect the result. We walked around the school and ask the student we saw whether they would like to participate or not. The independent variable is the gender and the dependent variable is the participants’ awareness level. These participants will be asked whether they seen the video before or not and we would ask if they find any abnormal part throughout the video. The data shows that there is only a slight difference between results of male and female. Due to the results of the experiment, it shows that there is no effect of gender on awareness.


People tend to be focused of an important object they see in front of them. However, they ignore the other object that is displaying at the same time. This is known as the intentional blindness. When people are focused on one task, it is really hard for them to notice things around them, even when something unusual happened. For example, the purpose of the moon walking bear video on Youtube we showed to the participants is to let them be focused on counting how many passes can the white team make. Through the passes, the moon walking bear would pass by slowly. However, not a lot of people are able to identify the bear. Our mind is not able to multi tasks and discovers both things at the same time. Most people would accidentally neglect the moon walking bear that pass by since people tends to try too hard focusing on how many passes the white team is making.

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        The aim of this study is to test whether female or male high school students from Kaohsiung American School have higher concentration level. Participants from both genders are asked to watch a video on Youtube and asked to see if they see abnormal things in the clip. Although the true goal is to test whether the participants noticed the moon walking bear while the video asked people how many passes can white team can make. The result showed that there is no effect of gender on awareness.

        Our experimental hypothesis is that the gender of the participants affects their awareness ...

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