Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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Zack Lindahl, IB1b


- An essay on self-love and Narcissistic Personality Disorder


It was the psychologist Paul Näcke who first coined the term narcissism. The name comes from an ancient mythological figure called Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. He eventually wasted away in front of a lake, staring at his reflection in the water. He became a flower, namely the narcissus. Almost all healthy people are at least slightly narcissistic, as those who do not have some self-love usually suffer from some sort of inferiority complex, which is socially as unhealthy as narcissism. For some, narcissism develops into an unhealthy emotional disorder called NPD, narcissistic personality disorder. The term NPD first appeared in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980. This pathological narcissism can, opposed to healthy narcissism, cause severe distress and functional impairment.

Pathological narcissism, that is the core of NPD, develops in adolescents and adulthood is a behavior and pattern of thought that makes the person with NPD to be obsessive about itself at the exclusion of others. The person pursues personal gratification above all else and usually have great personal ambition, lack of empathy, insensitivity and they also often dominate others socially to further their own goals. This kind of thinking pattern shows worrying similarities with psychopathy.

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Schools of Though

Sigmund Freud is credited for the first coherent and scientifically valuable theory of narcissism. This theory belongs to the Psychoanalytical school of thought. According to Freud, narcissistic feelings appear at an early stage of life, as soon as infancy. The child’s parents are also an object of these emotions, and are, according to psychoanalysts, viewed as omnipotent beings, but exist solely to care and nurture the child, whose self-view is even more grandiose than the parents. If the view of the parents becomes disturbed, by such things as domestic violence, the child uses an unconscious ...

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