Psychology essay-- Discuss the effectiveness of the biological perspective in explaining one psychological or social question.

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6. Psychology Essay- Discuss the effectiveness of the biological perspective in explaining one psychological or social question.


The biological perspective is the study of biological bases to behaviour. This perspective  can be effective in explaining aggression, a social question. Biopsychology is effective in explaining this perspective as this approach is very scientific making it objective and the approach has contributed to psychologists’ understanding of a wide range of phenomena such as aggression by investigating the limbic system of the brain. There is increasing awareness due to modern day brain scanning that the biological approach plays an important role in the behaviour of individuals in areas such as aggression.

The limbic system contains many brain structures such as the hypothalamus and the amygdala. Papez (1937) proposed a model of how these structures were interlinked to regulate emotional behaviour. MacLean further added on to Papez’s theory and stated that one particular area in the limbic system was involved with many strong emotions such as aggression. Research has verified this as an experiment carried out which involved ablation. The amygdala was removed from animals such as monkeys, rats and even humans and as a result it had reduced aggressive behaviour. Delagado stimulated areas of the limbic system and it provoked aggression in monkeys. He even inhibited aggression in a charging bull by a remote control to see how it would be provoked and reduced. “The amygdala, being the center for identification of danger, is fundamental for self preservation. When triggered, it gives rise to fear and anxiety which lead the animal into a stage of alertness, getting ready to flight or fight.”

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An advantage of deliberate stimulation of the brain is that it is less harmful as the brain isn’t being damaged, just stimulated which is also more ethical. These have to be taken into consideration and can be said as effective in explaining aggression. The stimulation is also a better way of investigating the ‘living’ function of brain areas and is therefore more valid. These advantages show that it is quite effective of using the biological perspective to explain aggression. Although it is effective there are a few disadvantages in Delagado’s experiment which limits how effective this approach is. Stimulating the ...

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