Psychology Experiment. The study that is being replicated is the first experiment of J.R. Stroops The Stroop Effect, which involved the effect of interfering color stimuli upon reading names of colors serially.

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In a study of cognitive interference, J.  Stroop was able to exemplify that when two stimuli are occurring simultaneously, brains will only be able to respond to one, and thus the verbalization process is compromised.

Redding and Gerjets showed that manually responding to stimuli had a greater or lesser effect on the interference, showing that responding manually to a stimulus would be able to occur more quickly while making more errors.

The study that is being replicated is the first experiment of J.R. Stroop’s The Stroop Effect, which involved the effect of interfering color stimuli upon reading names of colors serially. Mr. Stroop placed colors into two groups; reading colors that were in a color that was not the same as the color of the word themselves, and reading color names printed in black. The result was that participants were able to say the word faster and with less errors in reading words written in black. Less interference allowed the participants to perform better.

The aim of this experiment is to show that cognitive interference occurs when someone is faced with two stimuli at the same time.



        This experiment used a repeated measures design to show the effect the two different sets of words would have on the ability of a person to verbally respond. This way of experimenting shows the true difference between the times it takes to respond when given one stimulus versus when given two stimuli; which naturally the latter one should take longer. The independent variable was the color of the words that were in a different color ink than the actual name of the color and the dependent variable was the speed in which a person could respond, verbally, measured in seconds.

        Ethical principles were maintained through issuing a consent form; to tell the participants what was expected to find in the experiment, there was a debriefing statement. There was no potential harm to any of the subjects. It was made aware that the participants could drop out at any time, and their data would not be used. The experimenter allowed the participants to find their results.

Accounting for controls maintained validity, the controls are listed as followed: the room in which the participants were tested, the random selection of the participants, the instructions that were read, the randomized order of the words and the colors of the words. The participants were tested individually so that the answers would not be spread from one person to another, cutting down on the noise level, minimizing the distraction. This gives a more valid depiction of the results. To account for order effects, the words were not put in the same order.  The confounding variable would be the participant’s ability to read quickly. Because a repeated measures technique was used, it was possible to compare the participant’s ability to read the base-line stroop sheet to the participant’s ability to read the one with the words in colors that aren’t of their own.

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        Fifteen participants, ages sixteen to eighteen, wee used as participants in this study (six males and nine females).  All of the students are current students in the eleventh and twelfth grade at St. Edmund Preparatory High School, a high school in Brooklyn, New York. Opportunity sampling was used because the participants who were available had a free period when IB Psychology met. Consent forms were given out during that period, and the participants were asked to read it, ...

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