The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of performing a concurrent task whilst observing a photo and how this results in inattentional blindness amongst the participants. Participants were to perform a simple task whilst observing the phot

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Investigating Inattentional Blindness due to Perceptual Schemas


Erika Pärn

Candidate No:

Experiment Study

Psychology Higher Level

Date of Submission

Word Count:

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Method





3.0 Results

4.0 Discussion


5.0 Appendix

5.1 Instructions

5.2 Debriefing

5.3 Raw data

5.4 Significance test

5.5 Photo of kitchen


The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of performing a concurrent task whilst observing a photo and how this results in inattentional blindness amongst the participants. Participants were to perform a simple task whilst observing the photo related to the picture. The gist of the experiment was that participants failed to notice anomalies within the photo due to the task they had to perform.

For this experiment 40 participants were handed a photo of a kitchen for observation. The first 20 participants were allowed to observe for 1 minute and then asked to sketch the photo seen . The other 20 participants conducted a task in which they were supposed to count the amount of dishes visible in the photo in addition to sketching the same photo they had seen.

1.0 Introduction:

The adaptive human seeks to comprehend its surroundings. Sensations telling the brain of the objects in our surroundings and perception telling where and what they are. Together when linked they form a mental representation of reality. Through numerous consistent encounters of the same sensation or perception the mind forms mental schemas of the general surroundings. These sensations and perceptions are understood only after the mind has paid attention to these perceptions. Attention which is at highlight of this study is connected with the cognitive perspective that studies human mental processes.

Attention one of the many important mental processes explained by cognitive perspective. Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment whilst ignoring other extraneous factors.

The visual sense is capable of creating vivid representations of the world even from indistinct projections of light to the retina. Thus from the focus of our attention on a detail the mind is able to construct a complex tree-dimensional mental model of the milieu. Many scientists believe that visual perception in terms of information processing is based on interactive activation. Relating to priming which is connected with schemas of the mind.

It is complicated for the human mind to respond to more than one event at a time. When attention is paid to a specific detail the surrounding details in the visual world disappear for the observer.

Visual information around us may not always be seen all at once due to physiological constraints.  The different conditions that surround us cause failure in our conscious perception showing that the mind is unaware of certain fully-visible stimuli. Sometimes without attention objects may not be perceived at all (inattentional blindness). Therefore we perceive and remember only objects that have received attention and focus. These failures of our visual awareness have been discovered in experiments where observers fail to detect visible but unexpected stimulus when their attention is focused on another object or event. This may also be called inattentional blindness. Another form of inattentional blindeness is  “change blindness”, the failure to notice changes.  Both inattentional blindness and change blindness occur for naturalistic and simple stimuli.

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Simons comparatively investigated visual inattentional blindness. (Mack & Rock, 1998; Most et al., 2001) (Simons, D. J., & Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: Sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events.)  In his study participants were told to watch a video. In the video students in wearing black and white T-shits were passing basketballs with each other. The participants were told to count the number of passes between players wearing white shirts. During the video a human in a gorilla suit randomly walk by. This gorilla which is so unexpected in the video and which is so visible for ...

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