To what extent does genetic inheritance influence our behavior?

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To what extent does genetic inheritance

influence our behavior?

Many psychologists have said that behavior was inherited from our parent, however some psychologists have argued and said that environment has a bigger effect on our behavior and that its not genetically.

The first research made on to prove that genetic has a huge impact on behavior was on two identical twins who were separated when they were four weeks old and raised in different families. By the age of 39, they reunited both showing a lot of similarities in personality, interest and behavior. They both had same kind of pet (a dog), and they build same kind of unusual benches around there tree. The similarities just went on and on and it was very hard to find Differences than finding similarities.

Thomas Bouchard and David Lykken work at university of Minnesota in Minneapolis is a review of research began in 1979 to examine the question if how much influence your genes have in determining your personal psychological qualities. They began in 1983 to identify, locate, and bringing together pairs of 56 monozygotic reared-apart (MZA) twins from United states and seven other countries who agreed to participate in this psychological measuring and testing. To prove this research psychologists did this study were they took a lot of monozygotic twins who were separated in early in life, and were apart for almost all their lives and reunited as adults and compared them. They had to complete four personality trait scales, three aptitude and occupational interest inventories, and two intelligence tests. Where there was 70% equality on the IQ so it's only 30% IQ depending on your environment. The degree of similarities is expressed in the table as correlation was remarkable similar, meaning that the genes have a great effect on the behavior. There was a lot of critics though, some researcher have voiced a major critics of one aspect of twin research in general, referred to as the "equal environment assumption", meaning that they all have had the same environment and that it still wasn't clear if it was because of the environment the seminaries occurred.
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Intelligence has a huge impact on our behavior. Many psychologist have argued on whether intelligence have been inherited genetically

or if it has build up because of the environment you have been exposed to. To see if I.Q is inheritable whereas the best study is on based on twins, because they have identical genes. In order to prove this, Eric Turkheimer along with his colleagues did this study were they collected 50,000 American children, mostly from poor families. They had all taken the I.Q test by the age of 7. Their aim was to see what ...

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